Jey-Cee / ioBroker.enocean

Connect and control your EnOcean devices with ioBroker.
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[Bug]: AllSmart Enocean LAN Gateway connection cannot be restored in some cases #149

Open JustJoe21 opened 1 year ago

JustJoe21 commented 1 year ago

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What happened?

When using the AllSmart Enocean LAN Gateway and the adapter is started, a connection is established. Under "Instances" the adapter is shown as "green".

When the LAN gateway is gone (e.g. power off, network disconnnected, temporary network issues), the adapter recocnizes this and shows "yellow" due to the missing connection to the gateway device.

When the LAN gateway connectivity is restored, the adapter does not reconnect but keeps on telling that there is no connection to the device ("yellow"). A manual restart of the adapter solves this problem, however, it would be desirable that the adapter is able to automatically recover in such a case since otherwise the entire iobroker EnOcean functionality is disrupted.

Adapter Version


JS-Controller Version


Node JS Version


NPM Version


Operating System


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Jey-Cee commented 1 year ago

The adapter tries to reconnect for 30 minutes every minute. If it is unavailable for a longer period of time, we must assume that there is a serious problem. The solution should be another than try to reconnect every minute forever.

Holger-Will commented 10 months ago

we could increase the reconnection interval after 30min. For every attempt, increase the interval by another minute or so...