Jey-Cee / ioBroker.upnp

Serves for communication and interaction with all upnp-capable devices.
MIT License
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please check Adapter with js-controller 3.x #47

Closed Ilovegym66 closed 4 years ago

Ilovegym66 commented 4 years ago


host.ioB-D10 2020-04-13 11:34:06.032 info "system.adapter.upnp.0" disabled
upnp.0 2020-04-13 11:33:53.367 warn (9502) This value will not be set in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
upnp.0 2020-04-13 11:33:53.366 warn (9502) State value to set is invalid for upnp.0.WANConnectionDevice.WANDevice.WANConnectionDevice.Alive: The state property "expire" has the wrong type "string" (should be "number")!
upnp.0 2020-04-13 11:33:35.665 warn (9502) This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
upnp.0 2020-04-13 11:33:35.664 warn (9502) Object upnp.0.LichtKueche.controllee.basicevent.BinaryState is invalid: obj.common.type has an invalid value (bool) but has to be one of number, string, boolean, array, object, mixed, file, js
upnp.0 2020-04-13 11:33:17.393 warn (9502) adapter.objects.getObjectView is deprecated, and will be removed in the future. Please use adapter.getObjectView/Async. Report this to Developer!
host.ioB-D10 2020-04-13 11:33:16.188 info instance system.adapter.upnp.0 started with pid 9502
host.ioB-D10 2020-04-13 11:33:16.177 info "system.adapter.upnp.0" enabled


FRYYYYYY commented 4 years ago

Yes, same here since the upgrade of the js controller

Jey-Cee commented 4 years ago

Test from Github, version is 1.0.15