Jey-Cee / ioBroker.upnp

Serves for communication and interaction with all upnp-capable devices.
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Update von js-controller BETA 3.2.2 #63

Closed sigi2345 closed 3 years ago

sigi2345 commented 3 years ago

Hallo, nach einen Update auf JSC BETA 3.2.2 kommt folgendes:


upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.550 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.X_AVM_DE_GetIPTVInfos.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.550 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetAddonInfos.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.550 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.550 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalBytesReceived.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.550 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalPacketsReceived.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.550 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalBytesSent.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.549 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalPacketsSent.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-01-09 10:09:16.549 warn (14192) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_6590_Cable.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.X_AVM_DE_GetDsliteStatus.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions


Mercator18 commented 3 years ago

Auch ich hatte im Log sehr viele ähnliche Einträge für verschiedenste gefundene Geräte. Ich habe den fehlenden "sid" DP bei einigen manuell eingetragen, woraufhin dann erwartungsgemäß keine Einträge im LOG mehr vorkamen. Sind mir aber dann doch zu viele Einträge, um das manuell zu machen. Allerdings läuft mein Log aktuell mit if valueSID Einträgen voll.

MarkSau commented 3 years ago

Da schließe ich mich an. Auch ich habe da so einige dieser Meldungen im Log. `

upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.712 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetAddonInfos.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.712 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetCommonLinkProperties.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.708 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalBytesReceived.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.707 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalBytesSent.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.706 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.X_AVM_DE_GetIPTVInfos.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.688 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalPacketsReceived.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.687 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.GetTotalPacketsSent.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
upnp.0 2021-02-04 11:11:23.678 warn (1321) State "upnp.0.WANDevice_-_FRITZ!Box_7590.WANDevice.WANCommonInterfaceConfig.X_AVM_DE_GetDsliteStatus.sid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions


Boronsbruder commented 3 years ago

Auch mit dem Stable des Js-controller 3.2.16 sind einige Warnungen im Log! Log auf Pastebin

Jey-Cee commented 3 years ago

Ist mit 1.0.17 gefixt