Jguer / yay

Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
GNU General Public License v3.0
11.1k stars 361 forks source link

Yay lists [community] Arch packages as missing AUR packages #955

Closed ronjouch closed 5 years ago

ronjouch commented 5 years ago

Affected Version

yay v9.2.0.r7.gb32a8ad - libalpm v11.0.3 (latest as of 2019-05-26)

and yay 9.2.0 stable too.


Yay lists tons (all? I don't know) of [community] Arch packages as missing AUR packages.

Problem is not a yay regression. Yay was working fine, until I enabled, then disabled the [testing] and [community-testing] repos (I enabled them to see what was in there, didn't upgrade, then disabled the repos). Could this be due to stale cached data? I tried moving my ~/.cache/yay, it didn't help.


The problem:

12:28:24 ~ yay -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 sublime-text is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
:: Searching databases for updates...
:: Searching AUR for updates...
 -> godot-blender-exporter: local (162.6accb46-1) is newer than AUR (132.fb7f25d-1)
 -> Missing AUR Packages:  acorn  alembic  amtk  arc-gtk-theme  arc-icon-theme  arc-solid-gtk-theme  arch-wiki-docs  arch-wiki-lite  asar  atomicparsley  audacity  augeas  autoconf-archive  autopep8  aws-cli  bat  bcg729  blender  blosc  bolt  bpython  brotli  cabextract  calibre  ccache  cdrtools  ceph-libs  chrpath  coin-or-cbc  coin-or-cgl  coin-or-clp  coin-or-coinutils  coin-or-mp  coin-or-osi  containerd  cpupower  crypto++  cuetools  dbeaver  deadbeef  diff-so-fancy  docbook2x  docker  dstat  elementary-icon-theme  entr  eslint  exfat-utils  faudio  fd  fdkaac  filezilla  flake8  flameshot  foremost  freerdp  frei0r-plugins  fwupd  fzf  gavl  gcolor3  gdmap  gendesk  gifski  git-lfs  glances  glfw-x11  glusterfs  gnome-boxes  gnome-multi-writer  gnome-recipes  gnome-twitch  gnome-usage  go  go-ipfs  gpick  grc  gsmartcontrol  gtkd  gtkimageview  gtkspell3  guetzli  hdf5  hexchat  hexyl  http-parser  hwinfo  ifuse  incron  iotop  ipython  jansson  jpegoptim  jq  jxrlib  leptonica  libaec  libappindicator-gtk2  libappindicator-gtk3  libcurl-compat  libdbusmenu-glib  libdbusmenu-gtk2  libdbusmenu-gtk3  libfdk-aac  libfilezilla  libgexiv2  libgovirt  libhandy  libimagequant  libindicator-gtk2  libindicator-gtk3  libiptcdata  liblastfm-qt4  liblphobos  liblrdf  libmanette  libmaxminddb  libnewt  libnfs  libosinfo  libpackagekit-glib  libpgm  libsodium  liburcu  libutf8proc  libvirt  libvirt-glib  libx86emu  libxmlb  lilv  log4cplus  love  lsb-release  lua52-bitop  lua52-expat  lua52-socket  luajit  lutris  lv2  macchanger  mailnag  mailnag-gnome-shell  maim  mathjax  mc  mcomix  mupdf  mypaint  nautilus-share  ncdu  netcf  nethogs  ninja  node-gyp  nodejs-lts-dubnium  npm  nuitka  numix-gtk-theme  oath-toolkit  oniguruma  opencollada  opencolorio  openimageio  openshadinglanguage  opensubdiv  openttd  openttd-opengfx  openttd-opensfx  openvdb  optipng  os-prober  osinfo-db  pacgraph  pacman-contrib  patchelf  pdfsam  peek  perl-file-chdir  perl-net-dbus  perl-parse-yapp  perl-path-tiny  perl-sgmls  perl-x11-protocol  perl-xml-sax-expat  phodav  pigz  pngquant  podofo  ptex  pwgen  pygmentize  python-babel  python-bcrypt  python-beautifulsoup4  python-blessings  python-botocore  python-cachecontrol  python-cachetools  python-certifi  python-colorama  python-curtsies  python-dateutil  python-decorator  python-distlib  python-distro  python-docker  python-docker-pycreds  python-docs  python-docutils  python-entrypoints  python-future  python-gnupg  python-google-api-python-client  python-google-auth  python-google-auth-httplib2  python-greenlet  python-html5lib  python-httplib2  python-ifaddr  python-imagesize  python-jedi  python-jinja  python-jmespath  python-lockfile  python-markdown  python-msgpack  python-mutagen  python-nautilus  python-netifaces  python-oauth2client  python-paramiko  python-parsedatetime  python-parso  python-pew  python-pexpect  python-pickleshare  python-pillow  python-pipenv  python-progress  python-prompt_toolkit  python-psutil  python-ptyprocess  python-pycodestyle  python-pycryptodome  python-pyflakes  python-pygments  python-pyinotify  python-pynacl  python-pyotp  python-pytoml  python-pytz  python-rope  python-rsa  python-s3transfer  python-simplejson  python-snowballstemmer  python-soupsieve  python-sphinx  python-sphinx-alabaster-theme  python-sphinx_rtd_theme  python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp  python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp  python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp  python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath  python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp  python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml  python-sphinxcontrib-websupport  python-sqlalchemy  python-stevedore  python-termcolor  python-traitlets  python-uritemplate  python-virtualenv-clone  python-virtualenvwrapper  python-wcwidth  python-webencodings  python-websocket-client  python-wheel  python-whoosh  python-xlib  python-yaml  python-zeroconf  python2-apsw  python2-autopep8  python2-beautifulsoup4  python2-blessings  python2-cachecontrol  python2-cachetools  python2-cheetah  python2-colorama  python2-css-parser  python2-curtsies  python2-dateutil  python2-distlib  python2-distro  python2-dnspython  python2-docutils  python2-dukpy  python2-entrypoints  python2-enum34  python2-flake8  python2-functools32  python2-future  python2-gflags  python2-google-auth  python2-google-auth-httplib2  python2-greenlet  python2-html2text  python2-html5-parser  python2-html5lib  python2-httplib2  python2-jedi  python2-libappindicator  python2-lockfile  python2-markdown  python2-mechanize  python2-msgpack  python2-mutagen  python2-netifaces  python2-parsedatetime  python2-parso  python2-pillow  python2-progress  python2-psutil  python2-pycodestyle  python2-pyflakes  python2-pygments  python2-pymongo  python2-pytoml  python2-regex  python2-rope  python2-rsa  python2-simplejson  python2-soupsieve  python2-typing  python2-unrardll  python2-uritemplate  python2-wcwidth  python2-webencodings  python2-yaml  qt5-styleplugins  redis  remmina  ripgrep  rlwrap  ruby-dbus  ruby-ffi  ruby-maruku  ruby-rb-inotify  ruby-rdoc  ruby-sass  ruby-sass-listen  ruby-yard  runc  rustup  semver  serd  setconf  shntool  simple-scan  simplescreenrecorder  slop  sord  soundconverter  sparsehash  spice-gtk  sqlitebrowser  sratom  sshfs  stylus  suil  tcpflow  terraform  tig  tilix  timidity++  tinyxml  tinyxml2  tldr  tmux  ts-node  ttf-cormorant  ttf-droid  ttf-fira-code  ttf-fira-mono  ttf-fira-sans  ttf-inconsolata  ttf-liberation  ttf-opensans  ttf-roboto  ttf-ubuntu-font-family  twolame  typescript  unace  units  usbredir  vamp-plugin-sdk  veracrypt  virtualbox  virtualbox-guest-iso  virtualbox-host-dkms  wine-mono  winetricks  wmctrl  words  xautomation  xdotool  xsel  yaml-cpp  yarn  youtube-dl  zbar  zeal  zeromq  zsh-completions
 -> Orphaned AUR Packages:  libechonest  qjson  ttf-tahoma
 -> Out Of Date AUR Packages:  aseprite  authenticator
:: 1 Packages to upgrade.
1  aur/devd  0.7-1 -> 0.9-1
==> Packages to not upgrade: (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3, ^4 or repo name)

pacman is fine:

 ~ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 sublime-text is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do


12:35:12 ~ yay -Pg
        "aururl": "https://aur.archlinux.org",
        "buildDir": "/home/ronj/.cache/yay",
        "editor": "",
        "editorflags": "",
        "makepkgbin": "makepkg",
        "makepkgconf": "",
        "pacmanbin": "pacman",
        "pacmanconf": "/etc/pacman.conf",
        "tarbin": "bsdtar",
        "redownload": "no",
        "rebuild": "no",
        "answerclean": "",
        "answerdiff": "",
        "answeredit": "",
        "answerupgrade": "",
        "gitbin": "git",
        "gpgbin": "gpg",
        "gpgflags": "",
        "mflags": "",
        "sortby": "votes",
        "gitflags": "",
        "removemake": "ask",
        "requestsplitn": 150,
        "sortmode": 0,
        "completionrefreshtime": 7,
        "sudoloop": false,
        "timeupdate": false,
        "devel": false,
        "cleanAfter": false,
        "gitclone": true,
        "provides": true,
        "pgpfetch": true,
        "upgrademenu": true,
        "cleanmenu": true,
        "diffmenu": true,
        "editmenu": false,
        "combinedupgrade": false,
        "useask": false


HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
Architecture = auto
SigLevel    = Required DatabaseOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Server = https://download.sublimetext.com/arch/dev/x86_64
Jguer commented 5 years ago

humm.... you're kinda missing this on your pacman.conf

    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
ronjouch commented 5 years ago

@Jguer uuuuuuuuuuuuuUUuuuuUUuuuuUUuuh...


How did I miss that 😄. Facepalm double-facepalm triple-facepalm.

I think I got confused by pacman "being okay", then I only had in mind my bogus caching hypothesis.

Sorry for the noise, thanks for the help and hail to yay :pray: .

Jguer commented 5 years ago

Happens to the best of us :laughing: