JheffersonMarques / MorePeripherals

Adds new peripherals for CC:Tweaked
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Trading interface villager range is inconsistent #28

Closed crazyvinvin closed 1 year ago

crazyvinvin commented 1 year ago

The range on which the trading interface detects villagers is a bit weird. The range extends one block extra on the west side. I think it's best if the range would just be a simple 3x3 area.

We tested the Y layer of the interface, and the layer above that. The red blocks indicate a villager that is not detected and the green blocks indicate a villager that was in the correct range.

On the level of the interface:


And same on the level above the interface, interface is under the wooden button:


FYI: we tested every single block by hand and did not test the layer below the interface.

Also just like with the beehives in issue #27, only one villager is detected if there are multiple in range. With villagers this is probably for the best, because they can walk, so it's better to keep them seperated. These issues together caused some very weird bugs to happen in our code (because an extra villager on the west side was detected).

Would love to see a fix for the range! Would be cool if there was a feature to display the range on the interface.