JiHong88 / suneditor

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Adding custom plugin breaks dialog plugins #1068

Open zanzlender opened 2 years ago

zanzlender commented 2 years ago

I'm currently making a custom plugin for a Mathlive input field. I have some minor fixes to do but generally it works 👍


However, when I try to use some of the already made plugins, specifically plugins that have a dropdown or a dialog (e.g. table, align...), I get an error:

[SUNEDITOR.core.callPlugin.fail] The called plugin does not exist or is in an invalid format. (pluginName:"table")

This is the simplified version of the code:

import "mathlive/dist/mathlive-fonts.css";
import "mathlive";

const plugin_dialog = {
  // @Required @Unique
  // plugin name
  name: "mathlivePlugin",
  // @Required
  // data display
  display: "command",

  // @Options
  title: "Matematika",
  buttonClass: "",
    '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M10.59,13.41C11,13.8 11,14.44 10.59,14.83C10.2,15.22 9.56,15.22 9.17,14.83C7.22,12.88 7.22,9.71 9.17,7.76V7.76L12.71,4.22C14.66,2.27 17.83,2.27 19.78,4.22C21.73,6.17 21.73,9.34 19.78,11.29L18.29,12.78C18.3,11.96 18.17,11.14 17.89,10.36L18.36,9.88C19.54,8.71 19.54,6.81 18.36,5.64C17.19,4.46 15.29,4.46 14.12,5.64L10.59,9.17C9.41,10.34 9.41,12.24 10.59,13.41M13.41,9.17C13.8,8.78 14.44,8.78 14.83,9.17C16.78,11.12 16.78,14.29 14.83,16.24V16.24L11.29,19.78C9.34,21.73 6.17,21.73 4.22,19.78C2.27,17.83 2.27,14.66 4.22,12.71L5.71,11.22C5.7,12.04 5.83,12.86 6.11,13.65L5.64,14.12C4.46,15.29 4.46,17.19 5.64,18.36C6.81,19.54 8.71,19.54 9.88,18.36L13.41,14.83C14.59,13.66 14.59,11.76 13.41,10.59C13,10.2 13,9.56 13.41,9.17Z" /></svg>',

  // @Required
  // add function - It is called only once when the plugin is first run.
  // This function generates HTML to append and register the event.
  // arguments - (core : core object, targetElement : clicked button element)
  add: function (core, targetElement) {
    const context = core.context;
    const mathLiveInput = core.util.createElement("math-field");
      virtualKeyboardMode: "manual",
    core.util.addClass(mathLiveInput, "__se_mathlive_input");

    // @Required
    // Registering a namespace for caching as a plugin name in the context object
    context.customCommand = {
      targetButton: targetElement,
      tag: mathLiveInput,

  // @Override core
  // Plugins with active methods load immediately when the editor loads.
  // Called each time the selection is moved.
  active: function (element) {
    if (!element) {
      this.util.removeClass(this.context.customCommand.targetButton, "active");
    } else if (this.util.hasClass(element, "__se_mathlive_input")) {
      this.util.addClass(this.context.customCommand.targetButton, "active");
      return true;

    return false;

  // @Required, @Override core
  // The behavior of the "command plugin" must be defined in the "action" method.
  action: function () {
    const rangeTag = this.util.getRangeFormatElement(this.getSelectionNode());

    if (this.util.hasClass(rangeTag, "__se_mathlive_input")) {
      this.detachRangeFormatElement(rangeTag, null, null, false, false);
    } else {

export default plugin_dialog;

Does anyone have an idea as to why this might happen?

JiHong88 commented 2 years ago

Perhaps the way you add the plugin is wrong. Please try it. plugins: {custom_plugin, ...plugins}