JiahuiYu / generative_inpainting

DeepFill v1/v2 with Contextual Attention and Gated Convolution, CVPR 2018, and ICCV 2019 Oral
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Requirements for running Training #515

Open sree3333 opened 2 years ago

sree3333 commented 2 years ago

I have tried changing versions of tensor flow but the last problem that I am getting stuck is at the following.

Total size of trainable weights: 0G 9M 548K 958B (Assuming32-bit data type.) 2021-09-30 15:35:31.303671: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:396] Loaded runtime CuDNN library: 7102 (compatibility version 7100) but source was compiled with 7005 (compatibility version 7000). If using a binary install, upgrade your CuDNN library to match. If building from sources, make sure the library loaded at runtime matches a compatible version specified during compile configuration. 2021-09-30 15:35:31.303845: F tensorflow/core/kernels/conv_ops.cc:712] Check failed: stream->parent()->GetConvolveAlgorithms( conv_parameters.ShouldIncludeWinogradNonfusedAlgo(), &algorithms) Aborted (core dumped)

I couldnt downgrade cudnn to 7.0.5 because of the gcc and g++ versions used in ubuntu.

Please help