JiahuiYu / slimmable_networks

Slimmable Networks, AutoSlim, and Beyond, ICLR 2019, and ICCV 2019
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Is num_sample_training=2 enough for training ? #31

Closed bhheo closed 4 years ago

bhheo commented 4 years ago


Thank you for release code. It is very useful. I'm trying to reproduce performance of USNet. As I know in USNet paper, you adopt n=4 for training which means num_sample_training is 4 But, in your code, I found that your setting number is 2. https://github.com/JiahuiYu/slimmable_networks/blob/d211f5bc5b88918a25bdda9b61cfc9a4936b2a62/apps/us_mobilenet_v2_train_val.yml#L54

Is this because 2 is enough for good performance ? or Should I change this to 4 to reproduce performance of paper ?

JiahuiYu commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest. In fact, here the number of samples of training means that except the smallest and biggest, how many more samples to train. So setting it to 2 means there are totally 4 iterations.


bhheo commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your kind answer.

I think it might be something like you said. But, in that line, you put -2 to FLAGS.num_sample_training Here, https://github.com/JiahuiYu/slimmable_networks/blob/d211f5bc5b88918a25bdda9b61cfc9a4936b2a62/train.py#L412

Is it a typo ? Because of -2, this line gonna be for _ in range(0): which doesn't make iteration.

JiahuiYu commented 4 years ago

@bhheo Thanks for catching this error. Yes I think it is a typo. Before code release, I cleaned up the code which may introduce this typo.