JialeCao001 / D2Det

D2Det: Towards High Quality Object Detection and Instance Segmentation (CVPR2020)
MIT License
297 stars 86 forks source link

Compatibility with latest "mmdetection" #9

Closed vguptai closed 3 years ago

vguptai commented 3 years ago

Hi @JialeCao001,

Thanks for sharing this amazing work.

I have a question regarding the installation steps. Do we need to pull and build the latest code from "https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection" or would it be sufficient to build the "mmdet" folder present within this repository.

I noticed that there are some latest changes in the "mmdetection" repository which are not compatible with D2Det.


JialeCao001 commented 3 years ago

The compatibility between mmdetection1.x and mmdetection2.x seems not very good. You can use the mmdetection version in this project.

JialeCao001 commented 3 years ago

If you want to use the lastest version of mmdetection, I think it is easy to put the module in that version by yourself.

vguptai commented 3 years ago

Thanks @JialeCao001 , I am able to run the project by compiling the mmdetection version present in this project. It would be helpful to update this information in the installation steps also.