Jiang-maomao / flare-removal

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Problem with using a model #1

Closed DGUnggi closed 4 weeks ago

DGUnggi commented 1 month ago

I want to test a model by using my custom dataset. However, i think that training a model with Flare7k dataset must be needed. Therefore, i uploaded Flare7k dataset in working directory and execute with a command line python train.py There is an error below root@817071d8d489:/workspace/flare-removal# python train.py MODEL.FILM: target Image path: dataset/Flickr24K Image size: 512 Image path: dataset/Flickr24K Loaded 0 images. Base Image Loaded with examples: 0 test dataset/Flare7k/Scattering_Flare/Compound_Flare Scattering Flare Image: Flare7K_scattering is loaded successfully with examples 5000 Now we have 5000 scattering flare images Reflective Flare Image: Flare7K_reflective is loaded successfully with examples 2000 Now we have 2000 refelctive flare images Traceback (most recent call last): File "/workspace/flare-removal/train.py", line 339, in <module> train() File "/workspace/flare-removal/train.py", line 55, in train trainloader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=opt.OPTIM.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=32, File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 350, in __init__ sampler = RandomSampler(dataset, generator=generator) # type: ignore[arg-type] File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/utils/data/sampler.py", line 143, in __init__ raise ValueError(f"num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples={self.num_samples}") ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0

Also, this is the train.py code. `import warnings

import torch.optim as optim from accelerate import Accelerator from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from torchmetrics.functional import peak_signal_noise_ratio, structural_similarity_index_measure from torchmetrics.image.lpip import LearnedPerceptualImagePatchSimilarity

from tqdm import tqdm

from config import Config from data import get_validation_data from models import from utils import

from data.dataset_RGB import Flare_Pair_Loader


opt = Config('config.yml') print(f"MODEL.FILM: {opt.MODEL.FILM}")


if not os.path.exists(opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR): os.makedirs(opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)

def train():


accelerator = Accelerator(
    log_with='wandb') if opt.OPTIM.WANDB else Accelerator()
device = accelerator.device
config = {
    "dataset": opt.TRAINING.TRAIN_DIR
accelerator.init_trackers("shadow", config=config)

# Data Loader
train_dir = "Zero-DiDCE/DiDCE/DiDCE_code/Bddugrp-1/train"  # Train 데이터 경로
val_dir_1 = "Zero-DiDCE/DiDCE/DiDCE_code/Bddugrp-1/val"   # Validation 1 데이터 경로
val_dir_2 = "Zero-DiDCE/DiDCE/DiDCE_code/Bddugrp-1/val"   # Validation 2 데이터 경로

# for phase, dataset_opt in opt['datasets'].items():
#     if phase == 'train':
#         #dataset_enlarge_ratio = dataset_opt.get('dataset_enlarge_ratio', 1)
print(f"Image path: {opt.datasets.image_path}")
print(f"Image size: {opt.datasets.img_size}")

train_dataset = Flare_Pair_Loader(
    opt.datasets.image_path, opt.datasets.img_size, opt.datasets.transform_flare, opt.datasets.scattering_dict, opt.datasets.reflective_dict)
# train_dataset = get_training_data(train_dir, opt.MODEL.FILM, {
#                                   'w': opt.TRAINING.PS_W, 'h': opt.TRAINING.PS_H})
trainloader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=opt.OPTIM.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=32,
                         drop_last=False, pin_memory=True)
val_dataset_1 = get_validation_data(val_dir_1, opt.MODEL.FILM, {
                                    'w': opt.TRAINING.PS_W, 'h': opt.TRAINING.PS_H, 'ori': opt.TRAINING.ORI})
val_dataset_2 = get_validation_data(val_dir_2, opt.MODEL.FILM, {
                                    'w': opt.TRAINING.PS_W, 'h': opt.TRAINING.PS_H, 'ori': opt.TRAINING.ORI})
testloader_1 = DataLoader(dataset=val_dataset_1, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=8, drop_last=False,
testloader_2 = DataLoader(dataset=val_dataset_2, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=8, drop_last=False,

# Model & Loss
model = Model()
criterion_ssim = structural_similarity_index_measure
criterion_psnr = torch.nn.MSELoss()
criterion_lpips = LearnedPerceptualImagePatchSimilarity(net_type='alex')

# Optimizer & Scheduler
optimizer_b = optim.AdamW(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters(
)), lr=opt.OPTIM.LR_INITIAL, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-8)
scheduler_b = optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(
    optimizer_b, opt.OPTIM.NUM_EPOCHS, eta_min=opt.OPTIM.LR_MIN)

trainloader, testloader_1, testloader_2 = accelerator.prepare(
    trainloader, testloader_1, testloader_2)
model = accelerator.prepare(model)
optimizer_b, scheduler_b = accelerator.prepare(optimizer_b, scheduler_b)

start_epoch = 1
best_epoch_1 = 1
best_epoch_2 = 1
best_iter_1 = 1
best_iter_2 = 1
best_psnr_1 = 23
best_psnr_2 = 25
size = len(testloader_1)
eval_now = 50
# training
for epoch in range(start_epoch, opt.OPTIM.NUM_EPOCHS + 1):

    for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(trainloader)):
        # print(data)
        # get the inputs; data is a list of [target, input, filename]
        inp = data[0].contiguous()
        tar = data[1]

        # forward
        res = model(inp)
        #print ("res",res)
        #print ("tar",tar)
        loss_psnr = criterion_psnr(res, tar)
        loss_ssim = 1 - criterion_ssim(res, tar, data_range=1)
        loss_lpips = criterion_lpips(res.mul(2).sub(
            1).clamp(-1, 1), tar.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1))

        train_loss = loss_psnr + 0.3 * loss_ssim + 0.7 * loss_lpips

        # backward

        #### Evaluation ####
        if (i + 1) % eval_now == 0 and i > 0:
            with torch.no_grad():
                psnr1 = 0
                ssim1 = 0
                lpips1 = 0
                for idx, test_data in enumerate(tqdm(testloader_1)):
                    # get the inputs; data is a list of [targets, inputs, filename]
                    inp = test_data[0].contiguous()
                    tar = test_data[1]

                    # with torch.no_grad():
                    #     res = model(inp)
                    res = model(inp)

                    res, tar = accelerator.gather((res, tar))

                    psnr1 += peak_signal_noise_ratio(res,
                                                     tar, data_range=1)
                    ssim1 += criterion_ssim(res, tar)
                    lpips1 += criterion_lpips(res.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1),
                                              tar.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1))

                psnr1 /= size
                ssim1 /= size
                lpips1 /= size

                if psnr1 > best_psnr_1:
                    # save model
                    best_epoch_1 = epoch
                    best_psnr_1 = psnr1
                    best_iter_1 = i
                        'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
                    }, epoch, i, opt.MODEL.SESSION, psnr1, opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)

                    "PSNR": psnr1,
                    "SSIM": ssim1,
                    "LPIPS": lpips1
                }, step=epoch)

                    "REAL: epoch: {}, iter: {}, PSNR: {}, SSIM: {}, LPIPS: {}, best PSNR: {}, best epoch_1: {}, best iter_1: {}"
                    .format(epoch, i, psnr1, ssim1, lpips1, best_psnr_1, best_epoch_1, best_iter_1))

                psnr2 = 0
                ssim2 = 0
                lpips2 = 0
                for idx, test_data in enumerate(tqdm(testloader_2)):
                    # get the inputs; data is a list of [targets, inputs, filename]
                    inp = test_data[0].contiguous()
                    tar = test_data[1]

                    # with torch.no_grad():
                    #     res = model(inp)
                    res = model(inp)

                    res, tar = accelerator.gather((res, tar))

                    psnr2 += peak_signal_noise_ratio(res,
                                                     tar, data_range=1)
                    ssim2 += criterion_ssim(res, tar)
                    lpips2 += criterion_lpips(res.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1),
                                              tar.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1))

                psnr2 /= size
                ssim2 /= size
                lpips2 /= size

                if psnr2 > best_psnr_2:
                    # save model
                    best_epoch_2 = epoch
                    best_psnr_2 = psnr2
                    best_iter_2 = i
                        'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
                    }, epoch, i, opt.MODEL.SESSION, psnr2, opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)

                    "PSNR": psnr2,
                    "SSIM": ssim2,
                    "LPIPS": lpips2
                }, step=epoch)

                    "SYN: epoch: {}, iter: {}, PSNR: {}, SSIM: {}, LPIPS: {}, best PSNR: {}, best epoch_2: {}, best iter_2: {}"
                    .format(epoch, i, psnr2, ssim2, lpips2, best_psnr_2, best_epoch_2, best_iter_2))

                # psnr_val_rgb = []
                # for ii, data_val in enumerate((val_loader), 0):
                #     target = data_val[0].cuda()
                #     input_ = data_val[1].cuda()
                #     with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
                #         restored = model_restoration(input_)
                #     restored = torch.clamp(restored, 0, 1)
                #     psnr_val_rgb.append(utils.batch_PSNR(
                #         restored, target, False).item())
                # psnr_val_rgb = sum(psnr_val_rgb) / size

                # if psnr_val_rgb > best_psnr:
                #     best_psnr = psnr_val_rgb
                #     best_epoch = epoch
                #     best_iter = i
                #     torch.save({'epoch': epoch,
                #                 'state_dict': model_restoration.state_dict(),
                #                 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()
                #                 }, os.path.join(model_dir, "model_best.pth"))

                # print(
                #     "[Ep %d it %d\t PSNR SIDD: %.4f\t] ----  [best_Ep_SIDD %d best_it_SIDD %d Best_PSNR_SIDD %.4f] " % (
                #         epoch, i, psnr_val_rgb, best_epoch, best_iter, best_psnr))
                # with open(logname, 'a') as f:
                #     f.write(
                #         "[Ep %d it %d\t PSNR SIDD: %.4f\t] ----  [best_Ep_SIDD %d best_it_SIDD %d Best_PSNR_SIDD %.4f] "
                #         % (epoch, i, psnr_val_rgb, best_epoch, best_iter, best_psnr) + '\n')


    # testing
    if epoch % opt.TRAINING.VAL_AFTER_EVERY == 0:
        psnr = 0
        ssim = 0
        lpips = 0
        for idx, test_data in enumerate(tqdm(testloader_1)):
            # get the inputs; data is a list of [targets, inputs, filename]
            inp = test_data[0].contiguous()
            tar = test_data[1]

            with torch.no_grad():
                res = model(inp)

            res, tar = accelerator.gather((res, tar))

            psnr += peak_signal_noise_ratio(res, tar, data_range=1)
            ssim += criterion_ssim(res, tar)
            lpips += criterion_lpips(res.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1),
                                     tar.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1))

        psnr /= size
        ssim /= size
        lpips /= size

        if psnr > best_psnr_1:
            # save model
            best_epoch_1 = epoch
            best_psnr_1 = psnr
                'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
            }, epoch, 1, opt.MODEL.SESSION, psnr, opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)

            "PSNR": psnr,
            "SSIM": ssim,
            "LPIPS": lpips
        }, step=epoch)

            "REAL: epoch: {}, PSNR: {}, SSIM: {}, LPIPS: {}, best PSNR: {}, best epoch_1: {}"
            .format(epoch, psnr, ssim, lpips, best_psnr_1, best_epoch_1))

            'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
        }, epoch, 1, opt.MODEL.SESSION, psnr, opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)

    if epoch % opt.TRAINING.VAL_AFTER_EVERY == 0:
        psnr = 0
        ssim = 0
        lpips = 0
        for idx, test_data in enumerate(tqdm(testloader_2)):
            # get the inputs; data is a list of [targets, inputs, filename]
            inp = test_data[0].contiguous()
            tar = test_data[1]

            with torch.no_grad():
                res = model(inp)

            res, tar = accelerator.gather((res, tar))

            psnr += peak_signal_noise_ratio(res, tar, data_range=1)
            ssim += criterion_ssim(res, tar)
            lpips += criterion_lpips(res.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1),
                                     tar.mul(2).sub(1).clamp(-1, 1))

        psnr /= size
        ssim /= size
        lpips /= size

        if psnr > best_psnr_2:
            # save model
            best_epoch_2 = epoch
            best_psnr_2 = psnr
                'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
            }, epoch, 2, opt.MODEL.SESSION, psnr, opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)

            "PSNR": psnr,
            "SSIM": ssim,
            "LPIPS": lpips
        }, step=epoch)

            "SYN: epoch: {}, PSNR: {}, SSIM: {}, LPIPS: {}, best PSNR: {}, best epoch_2: {}"
            .format(epoch, psnr, ssim, lpips, best_psnr_2, best_epoch_2))

            'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
        }, epoch, 2, opt.MODEL.SESSION, psnr, opt.TRAINING.SAVE_DIR)


if name == 'main': train() ` In summarize, i want to use flare-removal model for my custom dataset. But i don't know how to do this. Please let me know how to use this model and utilize github code.

DGUnggi commented 1 month ago

I just modified front section of train() function.

xuhangc commented 1 month ago
num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0

I think you should check the path of your dataset and dataloader to make sure you load it right.

DGUnggi commented 1 month ago

@xuhangc Thank you for your replying. However, as you can see this root@817071d8d489:/workspace/flare-removal# python train.py MODEL.FILM: target Image path: dataset/Flickr24K Image size: 512 Image path: dataset/Flickr24K Loaded 0 images. Base Image Loaded with examples: 0 There is no Flickr24K dataset. I downloaded Flare7k dataset from your github, but there is no file named 'Flickr24k' Also, i have an another question. To train and test my custom dataset, what should i prepare? I only have dataset images.

Jiang-maomao commented 1 month ago

Flare7K dataset only contains flare images, so we use the Flickr24K dataset link as the background images to generate flare-corrupted/flare-free pairs as the training dataset. This part of the function is implemented in our dataloader. If your custom dataset only contains flare images or only contains background images, you can modify flare image path and background image path in the config.py. If your custom dataset already contains paired flare-corrupted/flare-free images, you need to modify the corresponding part of generating paired data in the dataloader.

DGUnggi commented 1 month ago

@Jiang-maomao I only have unpaired(single) flare images. you say that i only need to modify flare image path? I also have an another question, too. There is no pre-trained model, right? It means that i should train the model with Flare7K and Flickr24K dataset and test with my custom images?

Jiang-maomao commented 1 month ago

@Jiang-maomao I only have unpaired(single) flare images. you say that i only need to modify flare image path? I also have an another question, too. There is no pre-trained model, right? It means that i should train the model with Flare7K and Flickr24K dataset and test with my custom images?

Yes, and you can use three data combination methods to generate flare-corrupted/flare-free pairs as train dataset:

  1. Flare7K and Flickr24K
  2. your flare images and Flickr24K
  3. Flare7K+your flare images and Flickr24K
DGUnggi commented 1 month ago

@Jiang-maomao Thank you for your answering! This is config.py code image You said that i can train the model with Flare7K and Flickr24K, so Where should I put the dataset path in each? Can you explain by considering two images below? image

and this is the file hierarchy image

Jiang-maomao commented 1 month ago

@Jiang-maomao Thank you for your answering! This is config.py code image You said that i can train the model with Flare7K and Flickr24K, so Where should I put the dataset path in each? Can you explain by considering two images below? image

and this is the file hierarchy image

hey, here is dataset path in config.py: image