Jiaoyang-Li / CBSH2-RTC

An optimal MAPF sovler: CBS+prioritizing conflicts+bypassing+high-level heuritstics+symmetry reasoning
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Experiment on Warehouse Map and Railway System #4

Open HyuanTan opened 9 months ago

HyuanTan commented 9 months ago

Hi, Li, thanks for sharing your great work. I read the paper and codes, the run example ./cbs -m random-32-32-20.map -a random-32-32-20-random-1.scen -o test.csv --outputPaths=paths.txt -k 30 -t 60 showed the Experiment 1-Game Maps which loads the benchmarks map in Instance.cpp. Instance.cpp loads Nathan's benchmark and your benchmark, does it mean you translate Warehouse Map and Railway Map into a self-defined format which is similar to Game Maps and use the part of codes related to your benchmark to load self-defined format maps?

Another question is, if I want to compare the result with algorithm that can work both on grid map and roadmap and I want to adapt CBSH2-RTC to work for roadmap, will it need to make a lot adaptation and can you give me some advice on that?

Thank you!

Jiaoyang-Li commented 9 months ago

Yes, you are right.

To change it to roadmap, you only need to rewrite the variables and functions in the instance class that relate to maps. This should not demand an extensive amount of work. Additionally, please disable the rectangle reasoning technique, as it is not suitable for general roadmaps.