JiapengLi / OpenWrt-HiLink-HLK-RM04

OpenWrt patch and installation guide for HiLink HLK-RM04
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Destination Host Unreachable #5

Closed acrobotic closed 10 years ago

acrobotic commented 10 years ago

Hey, Jiapeng,

Thanks for sharing your work on this cool little module. After following your instructions, I am able to upload the image: openwrt-ramips-rt305x-hlk-rm04-initramfs-factory.bin

But if I do a: ping

I get: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

Also, only the red LED is on.

If you could provide some pointers on how to debug the system that'd be great!

JiapengLi commented 10 years ago

Thanks for sharing your work on this cool little module. After following your instructions, I am able to upload the image: openwrt-ramips-rt305x-hlk-rm04-initramfs-factory.bin How do you upload this bin file? This bin can be only used to install OpenWrt firmware from original HLK-RM04 webui.

But if I do a: ping

I get: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

Also, only the red LED is on.

If you could provide some pointers on how to debug the system that'd be great! Did you replace the Uboot? If you can past some boot log, it is helpful.

BR. Jiapeng

acrobotic commented 10 years ago

I uploaded it using HLK-RM04 webui per your instructions, and everything went okay. But on reboot I get nothing. I did not replace Uboot.

I am new to OpenWrt so I don't know how to get the boot log. Any hints how to do this?

My next plan was to replace the resistors even though I changed the mem=16M on kernel config (so it should be okay). Thanks for your patience :)


JiapengLi commented 10 years ago

I am new to OpenWrt so I don't know how to get the boot log. Any hints how to do this? Can you log in the Serial Console? If so, then you can use "dmesg" command to see what's going on. If not, there are some troubles. The HLK-RM04 may be bricked. We need find other ways to fix it.

My next plan was to replace the resistors even though I changed the mem=16M on kernel config (so it should be okay). Thanks for your patience :) Which trunk revision did you use? Did you set the mem=16M parameter in kernel_menuconfig when compiled your installed frimware? If you don't set the the parameter, replace the resistors may fix it.


acrobotic commented 10 years ago

I logged in using the Serial Console (using minicom, 57600,8,n,1) and I get garbled output, which I interpret as the modules are bricked (this is okay, I appreciate the help and understand it's part of the process).

I used the same instructions you have on the README.md file. So the trunk version is 38333.

I also followed the software method for setting the SDRAM by doing: make kernel_menuconfig

and changing: rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 mem=16M

I did this after compiling the firmware though, so that might have been the problem. I did the make before make kernel_menuconfig. Should I have done make kernel_menuconfig before make?

JiapengLi commented 10 years ago

Hi acrobotic, Yes. After execute make kernel_menuconfig, make command need to be run again.

I'm sorry. i didn't write the instruction explicitly. I'll fix the readme file.