Here is the statement in your paper. You get the warped $D^{a}{b}$ by converting $D{a}$ a to 3D space and projecting to the image plane of $I{b}$.$D'{b}$ is interpolated from $D{b}$. $D{b} is the estimated depth maps of $I{b}$. And you also implement this in your code. Note that we cannot directly use $D{b}$ because the warping flow does not lie on the pixel grid.
In my mind, the depth in $D{b}$ corresponds to each pixel of the original image. It does lie on the pixel grid. It does not require interpolation. In contrast, $D^{a}{b}$ does not lie on the pixel grid because it is warpped from $D{a}$. I think $D^{a}{b}$ the one who needs interpolation.
After I read this paper by SfMLearner, I had such doubts. I wonder if this is the place where your thesis is inconsistent with the original. Looking forward to your opinion.
Hi @JiawangBian
I have a question about depth interpolation.
Here is the statement in your paper. You get the warped $D^{a}{b}$ by converting $D{a}$ a to 3D space and projecting to the image plane of $I{b}$.$D'{b}$ is interpolated from $D{b}$. $D{b} is the estimated depth maps of $I{b}$. And you also implement this in your code. Note that we cannot directly use $D{b}$ because the warping flow does not lie on the pixel grid.
In my mind, the depth in $D{b}$ corresponds to each pixel of the original image. It does lie on the pixel grid. It does not require interpolation. In contrast, $D^{a}{b}$ does not lie on the pixel grid because it is warpped from $D{a}$. I think $D^{a}{b}$ the one who needs interpolation.
After I read this paper by SfMLearner, I had such doubts. I wonder if this is the place where your thesis is inconsistent with the original. Looking forward to your opinion.