The training process seems good: Eventually we have Total loss: 1.130, photo loss: 1.130, smooth loss: 0.029, consistesh scriptsncy loss: 0.092. Then I following your intruction to run sh scripts/ where I modify the variables to fit my training path
Odometry results in long sequences are very sensitive, but should not be so bad. Could you check the depth visualization in tensorboard to make sure that the training is correct?
I have run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 bash scripts/
which contains:The training process seems good: Eventually we have
Total loss: 1.130, photo loss: 1.130, smooth loss: 0.029, consistesh scriptsncy loss: 0.092
. Then I following your intruction to runsh scripts/
where I modify the variables to fit my training pathHowever, the evaluation results are quite far away from the reported ones:
while the reported numbers of t_err(%)/r_err(degree/100m) for seq 9 and 10 are 7.13/3.05 and 7.79/4.90 respectively.
May I ask whether you have any suggestions on correcting the results? Many thanks!