Jiaxin-Fan / ASEP

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Two Conditions Analysis text output #6

Open alfonsosaera opened 3 years ago

alfonsosaera commented 3 years ago

Hi Jiaxin,

I have some questions regarding the text output

When I run a single gene test with save_out=FALSE I get the following.

               gene p-value
[1,] "MS.gene27261" "0.857"

However when I run the same code with save_out=TRUE and name_out="results.txt" the file has the following content


I have 2 questions.

1.- What is that extra number? Why was 0.857 rounded to 0.86?

2.- Is there a way of getting the text file in tabular format? That way it would be easier to parse for further analysis or to import to excel, for example.



chanibravo commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue as Alfonso, except I'm only doing one-condition analysis. I would also like to know what the extra number is.

Alfonso I have written a basic R script to read in, transpose, and merge all the output files into one results file--feel free to email me and I'd be happy to share! ch2um at virginia .edu

Jiaxin-Fan commented 3 years ago

Hi Alfonso and Chani,

I've modified the old version of ASEP and the output result will be in tabular format this time. As for the rounding, I did not come across with similar problem. If you want, you can share with me an example dataset and I can help figure out what's happening. I guess maybe R somehow did automatically rounding?

Best, Jiaxin