Open ajandria opened 2 years ago
I have just installed MuSiC2 and I am encountering this same error.
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) Platform: x86_64-conda-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
Matrix products: default BLAS/LAPACK: /users/genomics/xoel/micromamba/envs/music2/lib/
[10] LC_TELEPHONE=C LC_MEASUREMENT=C.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=Cattached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages: [1] MuSiC2_0.1.0 Biobase_2.56.0 BiocGenerics_0.42.0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] mcmc_0.9-7 bitops_1.0-7
[3] matrixStats_0.62.0 MuSiC_1.0.0
[5] bit64_4.0.5 httr_1.4.4
[7] doParallel_1.0.17 RColorBrewer_1.1-3
[9] GenomeInfoDb_1.32.4 repr_1.1.4
[11] backports_1.4.1 tools_4.2.1
[13] utf8_1.2.2 R6_2.5.1
[15] DBI_1.1.3 colorspace_2.0-3
[17] withr_2.5.0 tidyselect_1.2.0
[19] GGally_2.1.2 xbioc_0.1.19
[21] bit_4.0.4 compiler_4.2.1
[23] cli_3.4.1 quantreg_5.94
[25] SparseM_1.81 pkgmaker_0.32.2.900
[27] DelayedArray_0.22.0 checkmate_2.1.0
[29] scales_1.2.1 nnls_1.4
[31] quadprog_1.5-8 proxy_0.4-27
[33] pbdZMQ_0.3-7 stringr_1.4.1
[35] digest_0.6.30 MCMCpack_1.6-3
[37] XVector_0.36.0 base64enc_0.1-3
[39] pkgconfig_2.0.3 htmltools_0.5.3
[41] MatrixGenerics_1.8.1 fastmap_1.1.0
[43] limma_3.52.4 rlang_1.0.6
[45] RSQLite_2.2.18 generics_0.1.3
[47] jsonlite_1.8.2 dplyr_1.0.10
[49] RCurl_1.98-1.9 magrittr_2.0.3
[51] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.8 Matrix_1.5-1
[53] Rcpp_1.0.9 IRkernel_1.3
[55] munsell_0.5.0 S4Vectors_0.34.0
[57] fansi_1.0.3 lifecycle_1.0.3
[59] stringi_1.7.8 MASS_7.3-58.1
[61] SummarizedExperiment_1.26.1 zlibbioc_1.42.0
[63] plyr_1.8.7 grid_4.2.1
[65] blob_1.2.3 parallel_4.2.1
[67] crayon_1.5.2 lattice_0.20-45
[69] Biostrings_2.64.1 IRdisplay_1.1
[71] splines_4.2.1 KEGGREST_1.36.3
[73] pillar_1.8.1 GenomicRanges_1.48.0
[75] uuid_1.1-0 corpcor_1.6.10
[77] reshape2_1.4.4 codetools_0.2-18
[79] stats4_4.2.1 glue_1.6.2
[81] evaluate_0.17 EpiDISH_2.12.0
[83] BiocManager_1.30.18 png_0.1-7
[85] vctrs_0.4.2 foreach_1.5.2
[87] locfdr_1.1-8 MatrixModels_0.5-1
[89] gtable_0.3.1 purrr_0.3.5
[91] tidyr_1.2.1 reshape_0.8.9
[93] assertthat_0.2.1 cachem_1.0.6
[95] ggplot2_3.3.6 TOAST_1.10.1
[97] xtable_1.8-4 e1071_1.7-11
[99] coda_0.19-4 class_7.3-20
[101] survival_3.4-0 tibble_3.1.8
[103] iterators_1.0.14 registry_0.5-1
[105] AnnotationDbi_1.58.0 memoise_2.0.1
[107] IRanges_2.30.1
Also am having the exact same error
Same here, expression set not recognized. Jiaxin, we would appreciate it if you could fix the problem asap. @Jiaxin-Fan
Same problem here, unable to use MUSIC2, cannot find where this bulk.mtx is....
Same problem here, unable to use MUSIC2, cannot find where this bulk.mtx is....
Yes, even here is an error for the MuSiC2. Unable to find the new version of the MuSiC.
I am also having this error - any update on this would be greatly appreciated!
Any updates? I am getting the same error.
Any updates? I am getting the same error.
I had the same problem over and over again and dont think that they maintain it
Hello @Jiaxin-Fan,
I need help with the error your tutorial is giving me