JiayangYing / CITS3403_PRO

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Implement Seller Page with Product List and Order Details #30

Closed loklokyx closed 4 months ago

loklokyx commented 4 months ago

Proposed Implementation: Seller Page Features:

  1. Product List Table:

    • Create a table layout on the seller page to display products added by the seller.
    • Include columns for product image, title, quantity, location, and any other relevant details.
    • Implement functionality to dynamically populate the table with the seller's products.
  2. Order Details Sub-Container:

    • Add a sub-container within the table rows to display order details for each product.
    • Include information such as buyer's contact details, order status, and any messages exchanged between buyer and seller.
  3. View Order Details Functionality:

    • Implement functionality to allow the seller to view order details when clicking on the respective product in the table.
    • Provide options for the seller to manage orders, such as marking orders as processed or communicating with buyers.

This implementation will create a comprehensive seller page where sellers can manage their product listings and view order details submitted by buyers, enhancing their ability to conduct transactions efficiently.

loklokyx commented 4 months ago

Closed #36