Jiayuan-Gu / hab-mobile-manipulation

Mobile manipulation in Habitat
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How to run sub-task evaluation on the hold-out macro variation? #1

Closed yimengli46 closed 1 year ago

yimengli46 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Jiayuan-Gu, thanks for sharing the nice implementation. I notice that we can run evaluations on 64 training scenes. (correct me if I'm wrong) Can you enlighten me on how to modify the config files to run evaluation on 20 test scenes and the macro variation scene? Do I need to self-generate the episodes?

Jiayuan-Gu commented 1 year ago


For evaluation, passing EVAL.SPLIT [val,eval] as additional command line options can change the split to evaluate. The default split is "val". Unfortunately, the Habitat team held out the macro variation used for the eval split (cross-layout setting in the paper) this summer in order to hold the rearrangement challenge, which was public before. Thus, only "val" split is available in this public release.


In general, you need to modify config.TASK_CONFIG.DATASET to set custom dataset.

Please follow instructions to download or generate your own episodes.

yimengli46 commented 1 year ago

That solved my confusion. Thanks!

BTW, is the navigation skill trained on all the receptacles?

Jiayuan-Gu commented 1 year ago

I separately trained different navigation skills for 3 HAB tasks: TidyHouse (all receptacles except fridge, cabinet), PrepareGroceries (cabinet, fridge), SetTable (cabinet, fridge, table).

yimengli46 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the response. That clears my confusion.