JibbSmart / JoyShockLibrary

Read DualSense, DualShock 4, JoyCon, and Pro Controller input on PC -- compiled for Windows, but code should work on other platforms.
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Request - nonverbose mode / suppress output #28

Closed MyHighLow closed 3 years ago

MyHighLow commented 3 years ago

While the information provided in the console is very helpful, it sometimes gets called between my own program's print statements. The console becomes very confusing - there should be some sort of option to suppress JSL output.

Attempting USB connection Getting MAC... Doing handshake... Switching baudrate... Doing handshake... Only talk HID... Enabling vibration... Enabling IMU data... Getting calibration data... Could not initialise Pro Controller! Will try again later. Attempting to re-initialise controller 1114529008 Getting MAC... Doing handshake... Switching baudrate... Doing handshake... Only talk HID... Enabling vibration... Enabling IMU data... Getting calibration data..

PS - USB connections are working nicely with Pro Controllers, and so is multi-threading support!

JibbSmart commented 3 years ago

Hi! What platform are you on? These messages aren't supposed to come through. In my case (JoyShockMapper, Windows), they only come through when I uncomment the line freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); in JoyShockLibrary.cpp, which I do sometimes for debugging.

I'm glad to hear USB connections and multi-threading support are working well for you :)

MyHighLow commented 3 years ago

I am on Windows 10. That's interesting, I get verbose information in the console every time. I am building using Microsoft Visual C++. I'll just comment freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); like you suggested