JideGuru / epub_viewer

An epub reader for Flutter. Wrapped around Folioreader.(WIP)
Apache License 2.0
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Search and Config menus are not shown #62

Closed zjamshidi closed 3 years ago

zjamshidi commented 3 years ago

Issue / Feature When I add the package to my app, the search and config menus are not shown in the appbar, instead an overflow menu is shown with "Go Back". The sample app and the FlutterEbookApp are working fine. I don't know what am I missing.

Platform (android, iOS or both) Android - didn't check on iOS

Steps to reproduce / Describe in detail I'm following the tutorial. I don't know what am I missing:


buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.signConfig
            minifyEnabled false
            shrinkResources false
        debug {
            minifyEnabled false
            shrinkResources false


    sdk: flutter
  epub_viewer: ^0.1.9


                            identifier: 'androidBook',
                            themeColor: Theme.of(context).accentColor,
                            scrollDirection: EpubScrollDirection.VERTICAL,
                            enableTts: false,
                            allowSharing: true,
                          await EpubViewer.openAsset(

// Get locator which you can save in your database
                          EpubViewer.locatorStream.listen((locator) {
                                'LOCATOR: ${EpubLocator.fromJson(jsonDecode(locator))}');
                            // convert locator from string to json and save to your database to be retrieved later
zjamshidi commented 3 years ago

The menus are shown in the release build not the debug build.