Jidly / channelpear.bundle

channel PEAR plugin for Plex
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 4 forks source link

Channel Pear and PLEX #5

Open tld6008 opened 5 years ago

tld6008 commented 5 years ago

I have repeatedly tried to install Channel Pear on PLEX and I can't get the channel icon to appear so I can link my CPear library. I am using Zorin (linux) OS. Last year I had it set up but it didn't work and I reverted to the MU3/Roku option and deleted the channel from PLEX. Since the Roku ban of MU3 I have not been able to regain the channel in PLEX. I am assuming Channel Pear will run on PLEX.

tld6008 commented 5 years ago

I can now see the CP app icon in PLEX I have followed all the installation instructions and when I attempt to view anye of my channels I get an error S-1001 (network) This is a PLEX error and after discussions with PLEX they relate that the issue is with the 3rd party plugin. I have copied their latest response below. I have also attached the log files from PLEX and CPear PMS Plugin Logs.tar.gz Plex Media Server Logs_2018-11-27_16-20-38.zip

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When using third party plugins, issues should be referred in the first instance to the developer. If the developer finds a plex issue then the matter can be reported -

I can see an error in the plugin log which relates to a field that it is not expecting

2018-11-27 15:56:22,823 (7f1782ffd700) : CRITICAL (runtime:889) - Exception (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins-9d51fdfaa/Framework.bundle/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/components/runtime.py", line 843, in handle_request result = f(**d) TypeError: CreateVideoClipObject() got an unexpected keyword argument 'includeBandwidths'