Jieiku / abridge

Fast & Lightweight Zola Theme
MIT License
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How to override favicons and logo? #106

Closed ddogfoodd closed 1 year ago

ddogfoodd commented 1 year ago

How do I override the favicons and logo? I thought it would automatically use favicons if they are provided in the base static dir if they have the same name as those in the themes/abridge/static dir, but that doesn't seem to work?

Is there a way to set this in the config.toml or do it any other way than replace the files in the themes dir? I would want to avoid this as this makes it more annoying to update the themes git submodule.

ddogfoodd commented 1 year ago

Nvm I made a mistake by mixing up the static and content/static directories. It does override if files are in the static dir.

Jieiku commented 1 year ago

yep, you can override the files directly, you can also disable some of them in the config.toml file if you comment them out:

#favicon_theme_color = "#333333"
#favicon_ms_color = "#333333"
#favicon_webmanifest = "site.webmanifest" # Used for android-chrome-512x512.png and android-chrome-192x192.png
#favicon_mask = "safari-pinned-tab.svg" # safari-pinned-tab.svg
#favicon_mask_color = "#ff9900"
favicon180 = "apple-touch-icon.png" # apple-touch-icon.png
favicon32 = "favicon-32x32.png" # favicon-32x32.png
favicon16 = "favicon-16x16.png" # favicon-16x16.png