Jieiku / abridge

Fast & Lightweight Zola Theme
MIT License
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Suggestion to further improve dark mode + appreciation post #136

Closed IngrownMink4 closed 10 months ago

IngrownMink4 commented 10 months ago

First of all, I would like to thank you for the great work you have done with Abridge! It is the theme for Zola that I like the most by far. In fact, I'm seriously thinking about using it for my next website :) That said, thank you very much for working on this and for making it open source!

The suggestion

So, Abridge currently respects the user's preference of dark and light appearance when visiting the web page, and even provides a switch to force one appearance or the other (that's cool).

However, the dark mode could be further extended. Web forms and scrollbars in Chromium-based browsers still look light and are very out of place with the dark look (in Firefox the scrollbars automatically adapt to the look of the page, so only web forms are affected). This could be solved by using the CSS color-scheme property. This post explains it in detail.

I attach images of what it looks like now and what it would look like with the CSS property enabled. Thank you <3.

Captura desde 2023-08-23 17-51-13 Captura desde 2023-08-23 17-52-28

Jieiku commented 10 months ago

Excellent, will do this for sure. Currently working on another batch of commits as well, more updates coming very soon.

Jieiku commented 10 months ago

This is now completed in a local commit, you will see it sometime today or tomorrow.

I tested it thoroughly, works great! Thanks very much for the suggestion!

Jieiku commented 10 months ago

On a side note I also made some improvements to the table of contents spacing, it now makes more efficient use of the space and should allow more items before overflowing into adding a scrollbar

Jieiku commented 10 months ago

completed: https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/commit/c04ff0a3ac2aff149c3454f7563de3f7941e373d

PS: If your using the new PWA feature, don't forget to either increment the version in sw_load.js or clear your cache. (otherwise the PWA cache TTL should expire for the page in a day, then you will see the changes)

My next commit has the version incremented, but it may be a bit before I commit again, trying to wrap up some things.

IngrownMink4 commented 10 months ago

Wow, that was really fast! Thanks again :D