JiekaiLab / scTE

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TE file and species issue #52

Open zuodabin opened 1 year ago

zuodabin commented 1 year ago

Hi , thanks for your scTE !! Now I want to use the scTE_build command to generate the annotation file, but my TE file is the repeatmasker generated .out file. I have noticed that TE needs to be in bed format, but I am not sure which columns of files in the.out file are needed. In addition, I wonder if single cell data analysis with some non-model animals is feasible?

jphe commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your question.

Attached is an example of the bed file format the scTE required.


If the well annotated Genes/TEs files for the non-model animals are available, then such analysis is feasible.

Angel-Wei commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for the great tool. I had the same error when building customized genome index file and saw this post and suggested solution. The custom index build was completed. Thanks again!