JiekaiLab / scTE

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error kindly help #58

Open amitpande74 opened 1 year ago

amitpande74 commented 1 year ago

(base) apande@cl-izsvak01:~/Downloads/scTE$ scTE_build -g hg38

Namespace(tefile=None, genefile=None, mode='exclusive', out=None, genome='hg38', info=<function info at 0x7f3ef3e77a60>) INFO : Building the scTE genome annotation index... 2023-05-02 13:46:44 --2023-05-02 13:46:44-- ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_30/gencode.v30.annotation.gtf.gz => ‘gencode.v30.annotation.gtf.gz’ Resolving ftp.ebi.ac.uk (ftp.ebi.ac.uk)... Connecting to ftp.ebi.ac.uk (ftp.ebi.ac.uk)||:21... failed: Connection timed out. Retrying.

--2023-05-02 13:46:50-- ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_30/gencode.v30.annotation.gtf.gz (try: 2) => ‘gencode.v30.annotation.gtf.gz’ Connecting to ftp.ebi.ac.uk (ftp.ebi.ac.uk)||:21... failed: Connection timed out. Retrying.

--2023-05-02 13:46:57-- ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_30/gencode.v30.annotation.gtf.gz (try: 3) => ‘gencode.v30.annotation.gtf.gz’ Connecting to ftp.ebi.ac.uk (ftp.ebi.ac.uk)||:21... failed: Connection timed out. Retrying. kindly help

rpisalive commented 1 year ago

@amitpande74 It happened to me once previously but then later it works when I tried again. The problem is probably due to the problem of their server. I just tried again and it works for me.

jphe commented 1 year ago

@amitpande74 If using the default parameters to build a reference with scTE, the server must be connected to the internet. Based on your question, it appears that there may be an issue with accessing the network.