Jigarsolanki / closure-tracker

A script that allows you to track events fired and some other pretty stats from google closure
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Breaks app in compiled mode #15

Closed sym3tri closed 12 years ago

sym3tri commented 12 years ago

Very cool plugin tho.

Jigarsolanki commented 12 years ago

Basically this is meant to use only in debug mode. Since the plugin monkey patches the closure functions. For instance , goog.events.fireListener, in compiled mode you wouldn't know under what name space this function is defined. So currently it is not possible.

Jigarsolanki commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, appreciated !:)

sym3tri commented 12 years ago

Yeah i know, but it breaks the app, so I have to go in and disable the plugin every time I check compiled mode (or any other website running on localhost).

I'd be more likely to use it if it checked to see if global goog exists first before it does anything.

Jigarsolanki commented 12 years ago

Reopened the issue

Jigarsolanki commented 12 years ago

Should be fixed. Might take sometime for CDN to update