Jigsaw-Code / outline-apps

Outline Client and Manager, developed by Jigsaw. Outline Manager makes it easy to create your own VPN server. Outline Client lets you share access to your VPN with anyone in your network, giving them access to the free and open internet.
Apache License 2.0
8.49k stars 1.37k forks source link

could not connect to server #1503

Closed narutojxl closed 1 year ago

narutojxl commented 1 year ago

My OS is ubuntu20.04, kerner is Linux hp 5.14.0-1054-oem #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 14 13:05:50 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux, installed outline-client 1.8.1.

jxl@hp:~/Documents/third_softwares/fanqiang$ ./Outline-Client.AppImage 
Outline is starting
[568539:1208/142436.172009:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(186)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
loading web app from file:///tmp/.mount_Outlin49POJj/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?appName=Outline
Could not load active tunnel:  [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/jxl/.config/Outline/connection_store'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: '/home/jxl/.config/Outline/connection_store'
Checking for update
[568594:1208/142436.345914:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(186)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
Update for version 1.8.1 is not available (latest version: 1.8.1, downgrade is disallowed).

When i conect server, terminator output this: but after this can not still conect server.

connecting to fa727997-6e98-4216-8c22-6b1c84b537aa...
using tun2socks to check connectivity
[EXIT - tun2socks]: Exited with code 0
UDP support: true
could not connect: _ (routing daemon is not running)
[EXIT - tun2socks]: Killed by signal SIGTERM
tun2socks terminated due to Error: Process terminated by signal: SIGTERM
disconnected from fa727997-6e98-4216-8c22-6b1c84b537aa
installing outline routing service...
copying service installation files to /tmp/IUOIsE
all service installation files copied to /tmp/IUOIsE successfully
trying to run command as root:  trap "/usr/bin/chattr -R -i /tmp/IUOIsE" EXIT; /usr/bin/chattr -R +i /tmp/IUOIsE && /usr/bin/echo "e0644a3750b6c770e4f2f2e2e7de0de1e46386eed733d7841f35d9e4aa53c1cd  /tmp/IUOIsE/install_linux_service.sh" | /usr/bin/shasum -a 256 -c && /usr/bin/echo "9f6559b302a90c30092da0324651eafe77fac5cf83023f533e26c0729894273b  /tmp/IUOIsE/OutlineProxyController" | /usr/bin/shasum -a 256 -c && /usr/bin/echo "8bfab08036441bcbb558927bdecd97eebf8c2d365a2a7fdb6c0032c2afc965a2  /tmp/IUOIsE/outline_proxy_controller.service" | /usr/bin/shasum -a 256 -c && "/tmp/IUOIsE/install_linux_service.sh" "jxl"

/tmp/IUOIsE/install_linux_service.sh: OK
/tmp/IUOIsE/OutlineProxyController: OK
/tmp/IUOIsE/outline_proxy_controller.service: OK
user jxl has been added to outlinevpn group

+ readonly PREFIX=/usr/local
+ PREFIX=/usr/local
+ readonly SERVICE_DIR=/etc/systemd/system
+ SERVICE_DIR=/etc/systemd/system
+ readonly SERVICE_NAME=outline_proxy_controller.service
+ SERVICE_NAME=outline_proxy_controller.service
+ readonly GROUP_NAME=outlinevpn
+ GROUP_NAME=outlinevpn
++ dirname /tmp/IUOIsE/install_linux_service.sh
+ readonly SCRIPT_DIR=/tmp/IUOIsE
+ /usr/sbin/groupadd -f outlinevpn
+ /usr/bin/id jxl
+ /usr/sbin/usermod -aG outlinevpn jxl
+ /usr/bin/echo 'user jxl has been added to outlinevpn group'
+ /usr/bin/cp -f /tmp/IUOIsE/OutlineProxyController /usr/local/sbin
+ /usr/bin/cp -f /tmp/IUOIsE/outline_proxy_controller.service /etc/systemd/system/
+ /usr/bin/id jxl
++ id -u jxl
+ owneruid=1000
+ /usr/bin/sed -i s/--owning-user-id=-1/--owning-user-id=1000/g /etc/systemd/system/outline_proxy_controller.service
+ /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload
+ /usr/bin/systemctl enable outline_proxy_controller.service
+ /usr/bin/systemctl restart outline_proxy_controller.service
+ /usr/bin/sleep 2

outline routing service installed successfully
narutojxl commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-client/issues/1258#issuecomment-1200907298 fixed. When reboot system, and start 1.8.1 again, can access google site.

jxl@hp:~/Documents/third_softwares/fanqiang$ ./Outline-Client_1_8_1.AppImage 
another instance is running - exiting
Outline is starting
loading web app from file:///tmp/.mount_Outlinv5EkPZ/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?appName=Outline
Could not load active tunnel:  [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/jxl/.config/Outline/connection_store'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: '/home/jxl/.config/Outline/connection_store'
Checking for update

This is the second start 1.8.1.

jxl@hp:~/Documents/third_softwares/fanqiang$ ./Outline-Client_1_8_1.AppImage 
Outline is starting
loading web app from file:///tmp/.mount_OutlinqEbWbn/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?appName=Outline
Could not load active tunnel:  [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/jxl/.config/Outline/connection_store'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: '/home/jxl/.config/Outline/connection_store'
Checking for update
Update for version 1.8.1 is not available (latest version: 1.8.1, downgrade is disallowed).
connecting to 672962af-ef61-4cc8-b334-33df68b7ac26...
using tun2socks to check connectivity
[EXIT - tun2socks]: Exited with code 0
UDP support: true
tun2socks started
connected to 672962af-ef61-4cc8-b334-33df68b7ac26