Jigsaw-Code / outline-apps

Outline Client and Manager, developed by Jigsaw. Outline Manager makes it easy to create your own VPN server. Outline Client lets you share access to your VPN with anyone in your network, giving them access to the free and open internet.
Apache License 2.0
8.2k stars 1.34k forks source link

windows 11: failed to install `outline-tap0` driver #1988

Closed BokDan93 closed 1 month ago

BokDan93 commented 1 month ago

Version 1.13.0 An error occurs at startup, launching the add_tap_device file.bat does not help to fix the problem, there is no TAP-Windows V9 adapter in the services. I tried to make all the recommendations from this topic, nothing helped: https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/issues/1431

Reinstalling Outline did not help. There are no other VPN applications, the system is completely clean

corony77 commented 1 month ago

tailscale 충돌 확인되어 제거 후 설치.

설치 시 windows 11 에서 서명 되지 않는 드라이버 설치 선택 후 장치관리자에서 C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\tap-windows6 지정 설치


govegasbudapest commented 1 month ago

Version 1.13.0 An error occurs at startup, launching the add_tap_device file.bat does not help to fix the problem, there is no TAP-Windows V9 adapter in the services. I tried to make all the recommendations from this topic, nothing helped: Jigsaw-Code/outline-server#1431

Reinstalling Outline did not help. There are no other VPN applications, the system is completely clean

Hi, please run the connection via debug menu and share the logs.

$env:OUTLINE_DEBUG="true" & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\Outline.exe'

govegasbudapest commented 1 month ago

In my scenario, it helped me to manually name the network connection the way the error sounded in the logs. (outline-tap0)


Snysnym commented 1 month ago


As of today i got the same issue with Outline client, after an attempt to start VPN connection. Last usage of both Outline client and the PC this client is installed on was on last Friday (19th of April):

Снимок экрана (103)

During an reinstall process got an error message:

Снимок экрана (104)

I run the connection via debug menu, below you can find a logs:

PS C:\Users\dmitr> Sentry Logger [log]: Starting Electron crashReporter Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: SentryMinidump Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ElectronBreadcrumbs Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Net Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ChildProcess Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUncaughtException Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: PreloadInjection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: AdditionalContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Screenshots Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RendererProfiling Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: InboundFilters Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: FunctionToString Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LinkedErrors Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Console Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Http Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Undici Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUnhandledRejection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ContextLines Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LocalVariablesSync Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Modules Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RequestData Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainProcessSession another instance is running - exiting Sentry Logger [log]: [Session] Exit Handler Sentry Logger [log]: Ending session Sentry Logger [log]: The preload script could not be injected automatically. This is most likely caused by bundling of the main process Outline is starting loading web app from file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Outline/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?debug=true&appName=Outline Could not load active tunnel: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store' } [12756:0421/192109.677:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(20)] Unable to move the cache: ╬Єърчрэю т фюёЄєях. (0x5) [12756:0421/192109.680:ERROR:cache_util.cc(145)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\GPUCache to C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\old_GPUCache_000 [12756:0421/192109.680:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(196)] Unable to create cache [12756:0421/192109.680:ERROR:shader_disk_cache.cc(613)] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2 Sentry Logger [log]: Deleted Crashpad metadata file C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Crashpad\metadata Sentry Logger [log]: Successfully sent

govegasbudapest commented 1 month ago


As of today i got the same issue with Outline client, after an attempt to start VPN connection. Last usage of both Outline client and the PC this client is installed on was on last Friday (19th of April):

Снимок экрана (103)

During an reinstall process got an error message:

Снимок экрана (104)

I run the connection via debug menu, below you can find a logs:

PS C:\Users\dmitr> Sentry Logger [log]: Starting Electron crashReporter Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: SentryMinidump Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ElectronBreadcrumbs Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Net Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ChildProcess Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUncaughtException Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: PreloadInjection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: AdditionalContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Screenshots Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RendererProfiling Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: InboundFilters Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: FunctionToString Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LinkedErrors Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Console Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Http Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Undici Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUnhandledRejection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ContextLines Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LocalVariablesSync Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Modules Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RequestData Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainProcessSession another instance is running - exiting Sentry Logger [log]: [Session] Exit Handler Sentry Logger [log]: Ending session Sentry Logger [log]: The preload script could not be injected automatically. This is most likely caused by bundling of the main process Outline is starting loading web app from file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Outline/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?debug=true&appName=Outline Could not load active tunnel: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store' } [12756:0421/192109.677:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(20)] Unable to move the cache: ╬Єърчрэю т фюёЄєях. (0x5) [12756:0421/192109.680:ERROR:cache_util.cc(145)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\GPUCache to C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\old_GPUCache_000 [12756:0421/192109.680:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(196)] Unable to create cache [12756:0421/192109.680:ERROR:shader_disk_cache.cc(613)] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2 Sentry Logger [log]: Deleted Crashpad metadata file C:\Users\dmitr\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Crashpad\metadata Sentry Logger [log]: Successfully sent

I suggest you delete Outline and delete the folders associated with Outline in %appdata%. After that, install Outline again and check if there will be an error, if there is, read it or share it here.

jyyi1 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Snysnym , from the error, it seems Outline failed to install the OpenVPN tap device driver on your system. Maybe you have already installed other VPN products before, or maybe some anti-virus tool is blocking your from installing the driver. We're hoping to find a way to avoid needing this driver in the future. But for now, you may try to reinstall the tap device driver manually (the installation script is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\add_tap_device.bat, and the driver binary is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\tap-windows6). If it installs successfully, an outline-tap0 device should appear in the network adapters list:


https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps/issues/1103#issuecomment-2058888068 mentioned another workaround, which is to install an old version of Outline, and then auto-upgrade to the latest one.

jyyi1 commented 1 month ago

Hi @BokDan93 , from your debug screenshot in https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps/issues/1798#issuecomment-2068636627, it seems you have a similar issue that Outline failed to install the OpenVPN tap device driver. Because there should be an outline-tap0 device in the network adapter list (check the screenshot I pasted in https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps/issues/1988#issuecomment-2070767154).

Outline won't be able to connect until a device with name outline-tap0 is successfully installed.

https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps/issues/1103#issuecomment-2058888068 mentioned a workaround, which is to install an old version of Outline, and then auto-upgrade to the latest one.

jyyi1 commented 1 month ago

Root cause: OemVista.inf should be CRLF line ended instead of LF. We made a change two months ago which caused this regression: https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps/pull/1913 . Will fix it soon.

Snysnym commented 1 month ago

Hi @Snysnym , from the error, it seems Outline failed to install the OpenVPN tap device driver on your system. Maybe you have already installed other VPN products before, or maybe some anti-virus tool is blocking your from installing the driver. We're hoping to find a way to avoid needing this driver in the future. But for now, you may try to reinstall the tap device driver manually (the installation script is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\add_tap_device.bat, and the driver binary is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\tap-windows6). If it installs successfully, an outline-tap0 device should appear in the network adapters list:


#1103 (comment) mentioned another workaround, which is to install an old version of Outline, and then auto-upgrade to the latest one.

Thank you, this solution worked out!