Jimbly / regex-crossword

Implementation of a RegExp crossword.
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Correct regex #3

Closed kellen closed 9 years ago

kellen commented 9 years ago

Correct regex from http://www.i-programmer.info/images/stories/News/2014/Dec/B/grid.pdf

Jimbly commented 9 years ago

Good catch! Now I wonder if I solved the wrong crossword puzzle when I did this years ago... =)

kellen commented 9 years ago

Your transposed regex still matches the solution, so no worries :)

Jimbly commented 9 years ago

Purely out of curiosity, how did you possibly notice this? =)

Jimbly commented 9 years ago

So, a user is reporting, in #5, that this fix actually makes the puzzle unsolveable. And, actually, looking at it closer, it appears it was correct before your PR (all of those clues are "transposed" compared to the print one, because they're literally upside down - the print one they are applied lower-right to upper-left, in mine they are applied upper-left to lower-right).

kellen commented 9 years ago

Oooooh, that actually make sense, now that I'm looking at the original display vs your display. I've got the same solution as given in #5, but I didn't test the change first, sorry!

Jimbly commented 9 years ago

No worries! Your PR did, however, cause me to notice that I had an unreviewed pull request from close to a couple years ago, (which GitHub probably never emailed me about due to settings at the time...), so you can at least feel satisfied that you generally increased the good in the world ;). Unless you look at it from the perspective of my current boss, as I'm now wasting time solving this puzzle again... =)