JimmXinu / FanFicFare

FanFicFare is a tool for making eBooks from stories on fanfiction and other web sites.
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Updating Stories with sequel stories instead of creating a new one #1000

Closed slyferrain closed 9 months ago

slyferrain commented 9 months ago

When downloading at least two different stories from Literotica, the URL and story was updated instead of creating a new story.

An example: https://www.literotica.com/s/quaranteam-ch-01-10 is adding the Book 2 and putting the chapters before the first story. Second is https://www.literotica.com/s/just-the-six-of-us-ch-01

JimmXinu commented 9 months ago

For Literotica, there isn't a separate story URL or page, so FFF uses the first chapter URL as the story URL.

Those authors have chosen to insert a "second book" at the start of an existing story.

As far as the Literotica site and FFF are concerned, there's no difference between that and adding a Prologue or Preface chapter at the start after the fact. You'd have to take it up with the authors.

I would suggest turning on FFF's mark_new_chapters feature.

## If true, when updating an epub that already has old chapters, new
## chapters will be marked in the TOC and chapter header by using
## chapter_title_new_pattern and chapter_title_addnew_pattern to set
## the chapter title.
## If set to latestonly, only new chapters downloaded this time will
## be marked (new) and existing chapters will have any (new) marks
## removed.
## mark_new_chapters can be true, false or latestonly