JimmXinu / FanFicFare

FanFicFare is a tool for making eBooks from stories on fanfiction and other web sites.
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"BAD books" error #897

Closed serenova closed 1 year ago

serenova commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I know that there's a forum for the Calibre-Plugin version but I couldn't find the answert there (other than a single note to this error from a version update from 2012) so I figured I'd pop in here and ask.

I'm getting a "BAD books" message when trying to update stories downloaded from AO3.

Screenshot: image

I'm unsure how to grab the logs on linux to see what's going on (I'm running Kubuntu 22.10), but if it's something I've configured wrong with, say, my AO3 account, I'd very much appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction!

JimmXinu commented 1 year ago

Open Calibre's Jobs list (click 'Jobs: 0' in lower right corner of main window), double click "Download X FanFiction Books(s)" job to open the job log.

You can also run Calibre in debug mode (under Calibre Preferences dropdown) and look at the debug log.

serenova commented 1 year ago

I ran 1 story through the plugin with Calibre in debug more and got the following:

Status Title Author Comment URL Skipped All Vows flowerfan Already contains 1 chapters. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157

This is one that I know doesn't need an update, but it gave me the same "BAD books" error message.

This is the log from starting Calibre in debug mode (I did remove some references to my phone being attached to my computer as it had identifying information, but other than that this log is a copy/paste):

calibreUsing calibre Qt style: True FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:23:42,075: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(216): Plugin FanFicFare macmenuhack file_path:/home/serenova/.config/calibre/plugins/fanficfare_macmenuhack.txt calibre Debug log calibre 6.3 embedded-python: False Linux-5.19.0-23-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.36 Linux ('64bit', 'ELF') ('Linux', '5.19.0-23-generic', '#24-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Oct 14 15:39:57 UTC 2022') Python 3.10.7 Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: FanFicFare (4, 17, 0) && Library Codes (1, 0, 53) calibre 6.3 embedded-python: False Linux-5.19.0-23-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.36 Linux ('64bit', 'ELF') ('Linux', '5.19.0-23-generic', '#24-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Oct 14 15:39:57 UTC 2022') Python 3.10.7 Interface language: None Successfully initialized third party plugins: FanFicFare (4, 17, 0) && Library Codes (1, 0, 53) QPA platform: xcb devicePixelRatio: 1.125 logicalDpi: 96.0 x 96.0 physicalDpi: 227.53333333333333 x 227.8878504672897 [0.00] Starting up... [0.00] Showing splash screen... [0.04] splash screen shown [0.04] Initializing db... [0.26] db initialized [0.26] Constructing main UI... [1.22] main UI initialized... [1.22] Hiding splash screen Starting QuickView

Device 0 (VID=04FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,714: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(1129): FanFicFare v4.17.0 FFF: INFO: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,820: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.prefs(215): Using default settings FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,835: configurable.py(1052): use_browser_cache: FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,836: configurable.py(1066): use_basic_cache:true FFF: INFO: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,836: adapter_archiveofourownorg.py(163): url: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157/navigate?view_adult=true FFF: INFO: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,836: adapter_archiveofourownorg.py(164): metaurl: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,837: fetcher.py(234): ========== MISS (GET) BasicCache https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157/navigate?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:25,837: fetcher.py(479): ---------- REQ (GET) RequestsFetcher https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157/navigate?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:26,036: fetcher.py(492): response code:200 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:26,037: fetcher.py(156): random sleep(2.50-7.50):2.55 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:28,586: requestable.py(50): Encoding:utf8 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:28,586: fetcher.py(234): ========== MISS (GET) BasicCache https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:28,587: fetcher.py(479): ---------- REQ (GET) RequestsFetcher https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:28,857: fetcher.py(492): response code:200 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:28,858: fetcher.py(156): random sleep(2.50-7.50):3.46 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:32,318: requestable.py(50): Encoding:utf8 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:32,319: fetcher.py(234): ========== MISS (GET) BasicCache https://archiveofourown.org/token_dispenser.json FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:32,319: fetcher.py(479): ---------- REQ (GET) RequestsFetcher https://archiveofourown.org/token_dispenser.json FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:32,458: fetcher.py(492): response code:200 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:32,458: fetcher.py(156): random sleep(2.50-7.50):7.14 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:39,602: requestable.py(50): Encoding:utf8 FFF: INFO: 2022-11-19 16:26:39,602: adapter_archiveofourownorg.py(140): Will now login to URL (https://archiveofourown.org/users/login) as (kaidaserenova@gmail.com) FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:39,602: fetcher.py(234): ========== MISS (POST) BasicCache https://archiveofourown.org/users/login FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:39,603: fetcher.py(479): ---------- REQ (POST) RequestsFetcher https://archiveofourown.org/users/login FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:41,448: fetcher.py(492): response code:200 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:41,449: fetcher.py(156): random sleep(2.50-7.50):4.33 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:45,782: requestable.py(50): Encoding:utf8 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:45,782: fetcher.py(234): ========== MISS (GET) BasicCache https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157/navigate?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:45,783: fetcher.py(479): ---------- REQ (GET) RequestsFetcher https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157/navigate?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:45,988: fetcher.py(492): response code:200 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:45,989: fetcher.py(156): random sleep(2.50-7.50):3.27 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:49,258: requestable.py(50): Encoding:utf8 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:49,259: fetcher.py(234): ========== MISS (GET) BasicCache https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:49,259: fetcher.py(479): ---------- REQ (GET) RequestsFetcher https://archiveofourown.org/works/26697157?view_adult=true FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:49,578: fetcher.py(492): response code:200 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:49,578: fetcher.py(156): random sleep(2.50-7.50):5.77 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:55,356: requestable.py(50): Encoding:utf8 FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:55,649: adapter_archiveofourownorg.py(264): numChapters: (1) FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:26:55,796: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(1447): update existing id:7493 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bs4/builder/__init__.py:545: XMLParsedAsHTMLWarning: It looks like you're parsing an XML document using an HTML parser. If this really is an HTML document (maybe it's XHTML?), you can ignore or filter this warning. If it's XML, you should know that using an XML parser will be more reliable. To parse this document as XML, make sure you have the lxml package installed, and pass the keyword argument `features="xml"` into the BeautifulSoup constructor. calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(1892): set_marked_ids:{7493: 'fff_failed_0000'} FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:27:38,060: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(1901): Finished Adding/Updating 0 books. FFF: DEBUG: 2022-11-19 16:27:38,060: calibre_plugins.fanficfare_plugin.fff_plugin(1904): removed tdir [11.16] splash screen hidden [11.16] Started up in 11.16 seconds with 4322 books Worker Launch took: 0.00 seconds kf.service.services: KApplicationTrader: mimeType "x-scheme-handler/file" not found Hspell: can't open /usr/share/hspell/hebrew.wgz.sizes. kf.sonnet.clients.hspell: HSpellDict::HSpellDict: Init failed
JimmXinu commented 1 year ago

FFF is functioning as designed. Those messages are supposed to appear briefly in the Calibre status bar when you have FFF configured to save error messages for 'failed' downloads. Which does technically include not updating for no new chapters.

I assume that being more intrusive is part of your OS / window manager.

I will consider if they should be removed.