JimmXinu / FanFicFare

FanFicFare is a tool for making eBooks from stories on fanfiction and other web sites.
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Where are the instructions on how to use this? #901

Closed instaloadererror closed 1 year ago

instaloadererror commented 1 year ago

I saw that there are two different versions of this: Calibre and Python. I can't find any instructions on how to use either. I don't use Calibre so I'm not sure if that version will support downloading html files which is what I want. I managed to install it using cmd.exe and typing "py -m pip install FanFicFare" but I now have no idea at all what the commands are to actually download anything. Am I just stupid? I genuinely don't see instructions anywhere. I'm mostly just trying to find a tool that will download side story and aprocypha threadmarks from forums.spacebattles.com.

JimmXinu commented 1 year ago

I don't have any step-by-step documents.

As a general rule, the CLI is meant for tech savvy users who want to have extremely fine control over their library of downloads.

I recommend using Calibre and the Calibre plugin for most users and to download to EPUB format and use Calibre's excellent Conversion feature to change it to whatever format you actually use. This is because FFF can update EPUBs with new chapters without re-downloading everything.

fanficfare -h gives the CLI options.

At it's most basic, to download to HTML files: fanficfare -f html <storyUrl>

You can limit downloads of SB/SV threads to only side story and aprocypha threadmarks on a per story basis with personal.ini settings:


## xenforoforum has categories of threadmarks.  This setting allows
## you to leave out categories you don't want.  Skipping categories
## will also speed downloads as categories other than 'Threadmarks'
## don't use Reader Mode.
## The last known list of categories is:
## Threadmarks,Sidestory,Apocrypha,Media,Informational,Staff Post
skip_threadmarks_categories:Threadmarks,Media,Informational,Staff Post

Or replace the story URL section header with [forums.spacebattles.com] for all SB stories or even with [base_xenforoforum] for all SB/SV/QQ/etc stories.

I'm closing this because it isn't really an issue as such.

instaloadererror commented 1 year ago

Thank you.

When I try that I get an error, though.

'fanficfare' is a package and cannot be directly executed

Do you know why this is?

JimmXinu commented 1 year ago

If you installed it with pip as instructed, there should be an executable named fanficfare installed. You might get that if you are in the dir pip installs packages in?

I really couldn't say for sure--it's going to depend on your setup.

instaloadererror commented 1 year ago

I did use the instructed install. I was told before I had to start with "py -m" but that's the only difference. I had already done it before when I first tried using it so it told me everything was already satisfied.

C:\Users\student>py -m pip install FanFicFare

Requirement already satisfied: FanFicFare in c:\users\student\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (4.18.0)

There's a bunch more after that, but they're all just saying "Requirement already satisfied".

I try to use

py -m fanficfare -f html https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12807798/1/

and get

C:\Users\student\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe: No module named fanficfare.main; 'fanficfare' is a package and cannot be directly executed

This does work on Windows right?

JimmXinu commented 1 year ago

Yes, it does install on correctly on Windows.

I don't know where your py -m instruction came from--it suggests your python (or pip) is installed in a way I don't know.

Another possibility is that you have a directory named fanficfare in your current working directory that's conflicting.