Jimmy-di / camouflage-poisoning

Camouflage poisoning via machine unlearning
MIT License
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What is the current status of this GitHub repository? #2

Open IMoonKeyBoy opened 8 months ago

IMoonKeyBoy commented 8 months ago

What is the current status of this GitHub repository? I have noticed that there appear to be numerous bugs within the code.

For example: victim.retrain(ingredients should be victim.retrain(ingredients, poison_delta=poison_delta)?

Can you please provide some insight into the bug tracking and resolution process for this repository?

Jimmy-di commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your support of this repository. All the Python files in this repo are a work in progress.

Most of the initial work, as well as all the follow-up experiments, were performed in notebooks. We initially planned to finalize the Python scripts after completing all the experiments, but that was never the case, as we continued to make improvements and add more experiments to the paper. Now that the paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2023, we can organize all the experiments we have conducted, and there will be a significant overhaul in the coming month.

Cheers, Jimmy