JinJinQuant / Cote

Leetcode Coding Test Practice (YJ)
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Homework 6 #5

Open JinJinQuant opened 3 months ago

JinJinQuant commented 3 months ago
Difficulty Topic Problem Name Importance
Medium Sorting Sort an Array 1
Easy Sorting Maximum Product of Three Numbers 2
Easy Sorting Sort Array by Increasing Frequency 3
Medium Recursion Pow(x, n) 2
Easy Sliding Window Maximum Average Subarray I 1
Hard Sliding Window Sliding Window Maximum 3
Hard Sliding Window Sliding Window Median 3
Medium Sliding Window Subarray Product Less Than K 3
Easy Sliding Window Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores 3
Easy Hash Table Two Sum 1
Hard Hash Table First Missing Positive 2
Medium Hash Table Longest Consecutive Sequence 2
Easy Hash Table Intersection of Two Arrays 2
JinJinQuant commented 3 months ago

912. Sort an Array

  1. Quick, Merge, Heap Sort

class Solution: def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: self.mergeSort(nums, 0, len(nums) - 1) return nums

# def quickSort(self, arr, left, right):
#     if left < right:
#         pivot = self.partition(arr, left, right)
#         self.quickSort(arr, left, pivot - 1)
#         self.quickSort(arr, pivot + 1, right)

# def partition(self, arr, left, right):
#     pivot = arr[right]
#     i = left - 1

#     for j in range(left, right):
#         if arr[j] <= pivot:
#             i += 1
#             arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]

#     arr[i+1], arr[right] = arr[right], arr[i+1]
#     return i+1

def mergeSort(self, arr: List[int], left: int, right: int):
    if left < right:
        mid = (left + right) // 2
        self.mergeSort(arr, left, mid)
        self.mergeSort(arr, mid + 1, right)
        self.merge(arr, left, mid, right)

def merge(self, arr: List[int], left: int, mid: int, right: int):
    temp_left = arr[left:mid + 1]
    temp_right = arr[mid + 1:right + 1]
    i = left
    il = 0
    ir = 0

    while il < len(temp_left) and ir < len(temp_right):
        if temp_left[il] <= temp_right[ir]:
            arr[i] = temp_left[il]
            il += 1
            arr[i] = temp_right[ir]
            ir += 1
        i += 1

    while il < len(temp_left):
        arr[i] = temp_left[il]
        il += 1
        i += 1

    while ir < len(temp_right):
        arr[i] = temp_right[ir]
        ir += 1
        i += 1

def heapSort(self, arr: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    def heapify(arr, size, i):
        largest = i # Initialize largest as root
        left = 2 * i + 1 # left = 2*i + 1
        right = 2 * i + 2 # right = 2*i + 2

        # See if left child of root exists and is greater than root
        if left < size and arr[i] < arr[left]:
            largest = left

        # See if right child of root exists and is greater than root
        if right < size and arr[largest] < arr[right]:
            largest = right

        # Change root, if needed
        if largest != i:
            arr[i], arr[largest] = arr[largest], arr[i] # swap
            # Heapify the root.
            heapify(arr, size, largest)

    size = len(arr)

    # Build a maxheap.
    for i in range(size // 2 - 1, -1, -1):
        heapify(arr, size, i)

    # One by one extract elements
    for i in range(size-1, 0, -1):
        arr[i], arr[0] = arr[0], arr[i] # swap
        heapify(arr, i, 0)

    return arr
JinJinQuant commented 3 months ago

628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers

  1. sort and figure out

    class Solution:
    def maximumProduct(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        nums.sort() # quick + merge
        lst_asc = nums
        lst_dsc = nums[::-1]
        num1 = lst_dsc[0] * lst_dsc[1] * lst_dsc[2]
        num2 = lst_asc[0] * lst_asc[1] * lst_dsc[0]
        return max(num1, num2)
JinJinQuant commented 3 months ago

1636. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency

  1. collection.Counter() --> dict{ elem : freq}
    from collections import Counter
    class Solution:
    def frequencySort(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        freq = Counter(nums)
        lst = [(freq[v], v) for v in freq]
        lst.sort(key = lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]))
        result = []
        for i in lst:
        return result
JinJinQuant commented 3 months ago

50. Pow(x, n)

  1. Recursive

    class Solution:
    def myPow(self, x: float, n: int) -> float:
        if n == 0: return 1
        if x == 0: return 0
        if n < 0:
            x = 1/x
            n = abs(n)
        return self.pastPow(x, n)
    def pastPow(self, x, n):
        if n == 0:
            return 1
        half = self.pastPow(x, n//2)
        if n % 2 == 0: 
            return half * half
            return half * half * x