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As a user, I want to update a Jira task/bug in Sira 2.0 #50

Open kiddliu opened 6 years ago

kiddliu commented 6 years ago

As a user, I want to update a Jira task/bug in Sira 2.0

Sira 2.0 update is a standalone executable in the name of "sira-update.exe", which changes the following properties of a Jira task/bug

Sira 2.0 checks and updates one property at a time only, if the current user has proper permission to finish the action.

> sira --update key=TEST-1234 assignee="Henry Wei"
The assignee of bug TEST-1234 was changed to Henry Wei successfully.

> sira --update key=TEST-4321 sprint="Sprint 32"
Task TEST-4321 is already in sprint 32. No action is needed.
Sailer43 commented 6 years ago

<Meeting Notes 11/07/2018>

Q: What are affective versions and components? A: Affective versions will be removed from "sira-update.exe" due to the missing Jira API; components are project-specified labels (eg. UI/backend).

Q: In term of properties like labels, how to distinguish users' intensions (addition, deletion, or replacement)? A: The user will enter several flags along with the original command to specify the behavior.

Q: Can "sira-update.exe" update other issues like epic or story? A: No.

Q: What's the logic of update or deleting comments? A: TBD

Q: Can "sira-update.exe" update sprint? A: Yes.