JingchaoZhao / learning-swift

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1. basic variable func #1

Open JingchaoZhao opened 5 years ago

JingchaoZhao commented 5 years ago

var make a variable ket make a constant

var myVarible = 42 myVariable = 50 let myConstant = 42

JingchaoZhao commented 5 years ago

implicit explicit

let implictDouble = 70.0 let explicitDouble: Double = 70

values are never implicitly converted to another type. you need to convert a value to a different type

let label = "test" let width = 70 let wLable = label + String(width)

let a = 3 let b = 4 let aStr = "hahaha (a)" let allStr = "hahahah (a + b)" use () to include a floating-point calculation in a string

three double quotation marks (""") for strings that take up multiple lines """ asdfas asgssgf """

array and dictionaries with []


JingchaoZhao commented 5 years ago

control flow


? after the type of a value to mark the value as optional.

use if and let together to work with values that might be missing. These values are represented as optionals. image


switch image image

let interestingNumbers = [ "Prime": [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13], "Fibonacci": [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], "Square": [1, 4, 9, 16, 25], ] var largest = 0 for (kind, numbers) in interestingNumbers { for number in numbers { if number > largest { largest = number } } } print(largest)

var n = 2 while n < 100 { n *= 2 } print(n) // Prints "128"

var m = 2 repeat { m *= 2 } while m < 100 print(m) // Prints "128"

var total = 0 for i in 0..<4 { total += i } print(total) // Prints "6"

use ... to make a range that includes both values. using ..< to make a range of indexes. ... ..<

JingchaoZhao commented 5 years ago

control flow


? after the type of a value to mark the value as optional.

use if and let together to work with values that might be missing. These values are represented as optionals. image


switch image image

let interestingNumbers = [ "Prime": [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13], "Fibonacci": [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], "Square": [1, 4, 9, 16, 25], ] var largest = 0 for (kind, numbers) in interestingNumbers { for number in numbers { if number > largest { largest = number } } } print(largest)

var n = 2 while n < 100 { n *= 2 } print(n) // Prints "128"

var m = 2 repeat { m *= 2 } while m < 100 print(m) // Prints "128"

var total = 0 for i in 0..<4 { total += i } print(total) // Prints "6"

use ... to make a range that includes both values. using ..< to make a range of indexes.

JingchaoZhao commented 5 years ago

Functions and Closures

func greet(person: String, day: String) -> String { return "Hello (person), today is (day)." } greet(person: "Bob", day: "Tuesday")

write a custom argument label before the parameter name, or white to use no argument label func greet( person: String, on day: String) -> String { return "Hello (person), today is (day)." } greet("John", on: "Wednesday")

to return multiple values from a function;

func calculateStatistics(scores: [Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int, sum: Int) { var min = scores[0] var max = scores[0] var sum = 0

for score in scores {
    if score > max {
        max = score
    } else if score < min {
        min = score
    sum += score

return (min, max, sum)

} let statistics = calculateStatistics(scores: [5, 3, 100, 3, 9]) print(statistics.sum) // Prints "120" print(statistics.2) // Prints "120"

nested functions. for organise the code in a function that is long or complex. func returnFifteen() -> Int { var y = 10 func add() { y += 5 } add() return y } returnFifteen()

functions are a first-class type. a function can return anther functions as its value

func makeIncrementer() -> ((Int) -> Int) { func addOne(number: Int) -> Int { return 1 + number } return addOne } var increment = makeIncrementer() increment(7)

a function can take another functions as one of its arguments'

func hasAnyMatches(list: [Int], condition: (Int) -> Bool) -> Bool { for item in list { if condition(item) { return true } } return false } func lessThanTen(number: Int) -> Bool { return number < 10 } var numbers = [20, 19, 7, 12] hasAnyMatches(list: numbers, condition: lessThanTen)

functions are actually a special case of closures: blocks of code that can be called later.

numbers.map({ (number: Int) -> Int in let result = 3 * number return result })

let mappedNumbers = numbers.map({ number in 3 * number }) print(mappedNumbers) // Prints "[60, 57, 21, 36]"

let sortedNumbers = numbers.sorted { $0 > $1 } print(sortedNumbers) // Prints "[20, 19, 12, 7]"