We were working on a simulation and are generating data and fitting XBart multiple times. We found that XBART on a mac is somehow resetting or clobbering the seed so the random numbers replicate exactly with each call.
This is demonstrated in the attached code. Note how the 2nd and 3rd generated data sets are exactly the same when xbart is called, but are different when xbart is not called.
library( tidyverse )
library( causalToolbox )
set.seed(101010 )
make_data <- function( N, K=5 ) {
dat = MASS::mvrnorm( N,
mu = rep( 1, K ),
Sigma = diag( rep( 1, K ) ) ) %>%
colnames( dat ) = paste0( "X", 1:ncol(dat) )
dat$Z = as.numeric( sample( N ) <= N/2 )
dat$Y_tau = dat$Z * dat$X3 + rnorm( N )
dat$Y = dat$X5 + dat$X2 * dat$X3 + dat$Y_tau + rnorm( N )
return( dat )
master_test = make_data( 100 )
perform_simulation_test = function( S = 3, # Number of runs
size_train = 500,
do_bart = TRUE ) {
# Validation data (Test data, only covariates)
x_val = test_set %>%
dplyr::select( starts_with( "X" ) ) %>%
as.matrix( )
nval = nrow( x_val )
d_val = test_set$Z
y_val = test_set$Y
matrix_list <- list() # PP testing
for (i in 1:S){
print("RNG state")
# Generate training data
train_set = make_data( size_train )
# Separate out into its pieces
x_tr = train_set %>%
dplyr::select( starts_with( "X" ) ) %>%
# Train data, only covariates
d_tr = train_set$Z
# Train data, only outcomes
y_tr = as.matrix( train_set$Y )
index = caret::createFolds(y_tr, k = 2)
if ( do_bart ) {
cat( glue::glue( "Fitting bart now on {length(y_tr)} points, validating on {nval} points..." ) )
cate_esti_bart = BART::mc.wbart(
x.train = x_tr,
y.train = y_tr,
x.test = x_val,
ndpost = 1000,
ntree = 100)$yhat.test
cat( " ...finished.\n" )
variable_name <- paste0("run_", i) # PP testing
matrix_list[[variable_name]] <- train_set # PP testing
cat( "loop done\n" )
# Return list of generated training sets.
## Run the simulation -----------------------------------------
cat( "Running with Bart\n" )
sim_w_XBART = perform_simulation_test(test_set = master_test,
size_train = 50)
## Check Sim Results -------------------------------------------
train_set_1 = sim_w_XBART[['run_1']]
train_set_2 = sim_w_XBART[['run_2']]
train_set_3 = sim_w_XBART[['run_3']]
We were working on a simulation and are generating data and fitting XBart multiple times. We found that XBART on a mac is somehow resetting or clobbering the seed so the random numbers replicate exactly with each call.
This is demonstrated in the attached code. Note how the 2nd and 3rd generated data sets are exactly the same when xbart is called, but are different when xbart is not called.
XBart clobbers seed.R.zip