JinmiaoChenLab / cytofkit

cytofkit: an integrated flow/mass cytometry data analysis pipeline
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Rphenograph membership vector out of order? #78

Open deborah-chasman opened 4 years ago

deborah-chasman commented 4 years ago

I have been trying out cytofkit::Rphenograph on a small flow cytometry dataset with various values of k. I've noticed that when k is small (eg 4-6), the names of the membership vector are not always in order.

Here is a small example that gives me an out of order result. I generate 400 cells with random expression values. The last 6 names of the membership vector should be 395:400.

> set.seed(12345);
> my.mat=matrix(runif(2400)*100, ncol=6);
> res=Rphenograph(my.mat, k=5);
> tail(membership(res))
396 397 398 399 400  45 
  6  22  15  18  18  20 

For now, I can use larger k and check the order of the names myself.

Thanks for your time!