JinmiaoChenLab / cytofkit

cytofkit: an integrated flow/mass cytometry data analysis pipeline
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Unable to load FCS files into RStudio #89

Open shreyaa-k opened 3 years ago

shreyaa-k commented 3 years ago


I've been using the Cytofkit Quickstart guide, I have Cytofkit and flowCore installed. I'm able to save my FCS file path in the object 'dir', however, I am not able to read the file. The Quickstart guide says to use the read.FCS function in the flowCore package, but it is giving me this error:

read.FCS(dir, transformation="linearize", which.lines=NULL, alter.names=FALSE, column.pattern=NULL, invert.pattern = FALSE, decades=0, ncdf = FALSE, min.limit=NULL, truncate_max_range = TRUE, dataset=3, emptyValue=FALSE)

Error in checkOffset(offsets, txt, ...) : The HEADER and the TEXT segment define different ending point (81286288:1481286288) to read the data.

The FCS file I am trying to load had to be converted from TIF files using FlowJo. I am new to R, and I've been stuck on the pre-processing step for quite a while. If you have any tips, please let me know ASAP. Thanks!