JinmiaoChenLab / cytofkit

cytofkit: an integrated flow/mass cytometry data analysis pipeline
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Cannot export results from ShinyAPP GUI #92

Open NickDooley1 opened 3 years ago

NickDooley1 commented 3 years ago


I am trying to export my edited and annotated plots from the ShinyAPP GUI, when I click export PDF, Save data, etc. The GUI freezes and I can no longer use.

I am using R version 4.0.3 with XQuartz on MacOS 10.15.6. The ShinyAPP GUI launches in chrome.

Thanks, Nick

SamGG commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am not the developer and I don't use Mac. Apart from freezing, did you get a file named something like your_project.RData? If so, it might be possible to retrieve FCS and CSV files. If not, no time. Best.