JiriSko / amixer-webui

Web application for control ALSA volume
MIT License
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how to install on raspberry pi #13

Open bachoo786 opened 5 years ago

bachoo786 commented 5 years ago

Hi I am a total noob.

Just wondering I tried to install amixer-webui on my raspberrypi zero w and I am using phat dac by pimroni. I am using alsa as well.

I cloned the whole directory to my pi and ran install command. I believe amixer-webui has been installed and I tried to configure the conf file in which I wrote my address of the pi running amixer-webui and the port.

But I cannot connect to it at all, on Chrome it says something went wrong and I have also tried the android app. None of them work all I get is a spin and after a while a blank white page.

Can someone please help me?


alekksander commented 5 years ago

did You actually started the service? see output of „/etc/init.d/amixer-webui status”. if it doesn't run „/etc/init.d/amixer-webui start” and check status again. also in android app make sure You have given it the right ip address.

therion23 commented 5 years ago

I have the exact same combination as you do, here was my solution: sudo apt-get install python-flask

bachoo786 commented 5 years ago

@alekksander ok so after cloning the directory what shall i do next?

@therion23 I did install the python-flask as per your instruction but what shall I do next?

I am doing this:

pi@raspberrypi:~/amixer-webui $ python alsamixer_webui.py [-p <port=8080>] [-l <host=>]
-bash: port=8080: No such file or directory

and when I try to start the service I get this:

pi@raspberrypi:~/amixer-webui $ sudo update-rc.d amixer-webui defaults
update-rc.d: error: unable to read /etc/init.d/amixer-webui
pi@raspberrypi:~/amixer-webui $ sudo /etc/init.d/amixer-webui start
sudo: /etc/init.d/amixer-webui: command not found
bachoo786 commented 5 years ago

ok I think I resolved it I had to run make install command.

quick question will the service run automatically when I reboot the raspberry?

therion23 commented 5 years ago

Not if you use systemd - have a look at issue #16 . Works fine with SysV init though.