Currently Im working on implementing an admin package and an extensions package.
Basically it will be an auth system, user role based RBAC with a simple and fluent framework API for easily implementing modules such as CMS, CRM or blog.
All the core Jiro packages will be a extensions that hook into the admin package.
This is going to be one of the core ideas behind Jiro, the ability to create e-commerce applications along with other core application functionality.
Currently Im working on implementing an admin package and an extensions package.
Basically it will be an auth system, user role based RBAC with a simple and fluent framework API for easily implementing modules such as CMS, CRM or blog.
All the core Jiro packages will be a extensions that hook into the admin package.
This is going to be one of the core ideas behind Jiro, the ability to create e-commerce applications along with other core application functionality.