JiscSD / Canonical-data-model

Documentation for the Jisc Open Research Hub Canonical data model.
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Preservation metadata in Alpha data model #81

Closed DomFripp closed 7 years ago

DomFripp commented 7 years ago

The Alpha Model is lacking quite a lot of standard preservation metadata, so if the Preservation Data Model isn't going to implemented, at least some of it will have to be added to the Alpha Model.


DomFripp commented 7 years ago

Getting the preservation component of the alpha data model is an ongoing piece of work, fed into by user stories from the pilots and the expertise of the suppliers on the lot, Preservica and Artefactual.

The diagram of Kirsty Lee's work is there as a representation of the metadata that is expected within the preservation of research data. It was a guide as to the complexity and the completeness of PREMIS as the main format to express preservation function. It is not an independent model to be attached but part of the development process.

There will be significant changes to the preservation part of the data model and this issue can be revisited at a later state of maturity if required.