JisuHann / One-day-One-paper

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Probabilistic Segmentation and Targeted Exploration of Objects in Cluttered Environments #10

Closed JisuHann closed 2 years ago

JisuHann commented 3 years ago

Probabilistic Segmentation and Targeted Exploration of Objects in Cluttered Environments

Probabilistic Approach: by quantifying the expected informativeness of its own actions in information-theoretic terms Using physical interaction with objects through pushing, grasping, or lifting + ICP, Point Cloud etc.

Defining a probability distribution over the complete set of possible segmentation


  1. Scene
  2. Part models
    • by point clouds, track using local key points descriptors
  3. Detect movement
    • quantify the informativeness of possible actions
      • the probability that the proposed object is the result of over- or under- segmentation (in this theory)
      • perceptual parameters
      • expected information gain based on discrete sets of possible actions and models based on a physics simulator
      • Q-learning
  4. Segmentation based on probabilistic inference
  5. Object models