JisuHann / One-day-One-paper

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6D Object Localization/3D Object Detection Models #14

Closed JisuHann closed 3 years ago

JisuHann commented 3 years ago



  1. detect 2D targets first -> solve their 6d poses with a PnP-algorithm
    • Approach to use pixel-wise RANSAC-based voting scheme is time-consuming
    • Approach to first localize and crop the bounding boxes of the objects of interest
  2. solve their 6d poses with a PnP-algorithm
    • runtime increase bc need to compute the 6D pose via PnP

With Deep Neural Network

  1. EfficientPose: An efficient, accurate and scalable end-to-end 6D multi object pose estimation approach 논문 code
    • RGB data / custom dataset에 대한 내용이 따로 없음
  2. G2L-Net: Global to Local Network for Real-time 6D Pose Estimation with Embedding Vector Features(CVPR 2020) 논문 code
    • custom dataset에 대한 내용이 따로 없음
  3. HybridPose: 6D Object Pose Estimation under Hybrid Representations(CVPR 2020) 논문 code
    • 읽어봐야 알겠지만 뭔가 RGB data같음/ custom dataset에 대한 내용이 따로 없음
  4. PVNet: Pixel-wise Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation 논문 code
    • RGBD data
  5. Pix2Pose: Pixel-Wise Coordinate Regression of Objects for 6D Pose Estimation 논문 code
    • RGB data

Without Deep Neural Network

  1. Point pair feature: Model Globally, Match Locally: Efficient and Robust 3D Object Recognition (CVPR 2010) 논문
JisuHann commented 3 years ago

EfficientPose: An efficient, accurate and scalable end-to-end 6D multi object pose estimation approach



In this paper..

with scaling hyperparameter Phi


Rotation Network

Translation Network


  1. Transformation Loss
  2. 6D Augmentation
  3. Color space Augmentation
JisuHann commented 3 years ago

Pix2Pose: Pixel-Wise Coordinate Regression of Objects for 6D Pose Estimation



In this paper...


  1. RGB Input + 2D Detection(Bounding box)
  2. Mask prediction & Bbox adjustment
  3. 3D coordinate & Error prediction
  4. PnP, RANSAC -> Output: Estimated poses
JisuHann commented 3 years ago


BOP Challenge dataset

  1. Linemod

  2. YCB-Video

    002_master_chef_can 003_cracker_box 004_sugar_box 005_tomato_soup_can 006_mustard_bottle 007_tuna_fish_can 008_pudding_box 009_gelatin_box 010_potted_meat_can 011_banana 019_pitcher_base 021_bleach_cleanser 024_bowl 025_mug 035_power_drill 036_wood_block 037_scissors 040_large_marker 051_large_clamp 052_extra_large_clamp 061_foam_brick

  3. SMOT

    crackerbox bleach driller mustard pitcher tomato can maxwell can sugar box

  4. T-Less image

  5. HomebrewedDB image