JisuHann / One-day-One-paper

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A Survey of Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks #18

Closed JisuHann closed 2 years ago

JisuHann commented 2 years ago

A Survey of Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks

논문 : robot의 interactive perception에 사용될 instance segmentation의 성능이 항상 완벽할 수 없다. uncertainty를 가져와 이를 이용한 접근법을 사용하고자 읽게 되었다.

Uncertainty 종류

  1. Model Uncertainty (e.g. insufficient model structure, lack of knowledge)
    1. the DNN building process
      • the errors in the architecture specification of the DNN (e.g. number of parameters, deeper networks)
      • the errors in the training procedure of the DNN (e.g. batch size, learning rate)
    2. the applied inference process
      • the errors caused by unknown data (e.g. different task/domain)
  2. Data Uncertainty (from the data e.g. image resolution, false labeling)
    1. the data acquisition process
      • Variability in the real world situation
        • Neural networks are sensitive to distribution shift which leads to significant changes in the performance of a neural network
      • Error and Noise in Measurement Systems
        • limited information in the measurements (e.g. image resolution, false labeling)
  3. Distributional Uncertainty : uncertainty on the actual network output, uncertainty that is caused by the change in the input-data distribution

Neural Network Uncertainty Quantification Methods

  1. Single deterministic methods
    • External Methods
    • Internal Methods
  2. Bayesian methods (: DNNs where two forward passes of the same sample generally lead to different results)
    • Variational Inference
    • Sampling Methods
    • Laplace Approximation
  3. Ensemble methods
    • Weight Sharing
    • Reduce Members
    • Training Strategies
  4. Test-time augmentation methods

Bayesian Methods