JisuHann / One-day-One-paper

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Neural Process #22

Closed JisuHann closed 2 years ago

JisuHann commented 3 years ago

Neural Process

  1. Conditional Neural Processes(ICML2018) paper
  2. Neural Processes(ICML2018) paper
  3. Convolutional Conditional Neural Processes(ICLR2020) paper

CNP: Conditional Neural Processes(ICML2018)

LNP: (Latent) Neural Processes(ICML2018)

GP, DNN, Meta-learning

JisuHann commented 2 years ago

ConvCNP: Convolutional Conditional Neural Process (ICLR2020)

1. Convolutional Deep sets

Definition 2. Multiplicity

ex. we often observe only one (possibly multi-dimensional) observation per input location, which corresponds to multiplicity one.

Theorem 1

a function is continuous, permutation invariant and translation equivariant if and only if it has a representation of the form

for some continuous and translation-equivariant \rho and some continuous \phi and \psi , where H is an appropriate space of functions that include the image of E. We call a function \Phii of the above form CONVDEEPSET.

2. Convolutional Conditional Neural Processes

Form of \phi

ConvCNPs for on-the-grid data

JisuHann commented 2 years ago

ConvLNP: Meta-Learning Stationary Stochastic Process Prediction with Convolutional Neural Processes

JisuHann commented 2 years ago

SNP: Sequential Neural Processes

JisuHann commented 2 years ago

ASNP: Attentive Sequential Neural Processes

JisuHann commented 2 years ago

RMR: Robustifying Sequential Neural Processes