JisuHann / One-day-One-paper

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XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding #7

Open JisuHann opened 3 years ago

JisuHann commented 3 years ago

XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding

Unsupervised representation learning on NLP

: Autoregressive (AR) language modeling and Autoencoding(AE)

  1. Pretrain neural networks on large-scale unlabeled text corpora
  2. Fine-tune the models or representations on downstream tasks


: a generalized autoregressive method that leverage both AR & AE

  1. maximize the expected log likelihood of a sequence all possible permutations of the factorization order
  2. Autoregressive objective > does not suffer from pretrain-finetune discrepancy
  3. integrates the segment recurrence mechanism and relative encoding scheme of Transformer-XL
  4. reparameterize the Transformer(-XL) network