Jittor / JNeRF

JNeRF is a NeRF benchmark based on Jittor. JNeRF re-implemented instant-ngp and achieved same performance with original paper.
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postions sampled are not matched with aabb_scale #47

Open hdzmtsssw opened 2 years ago

hdzmtsssw commented 2 years ago

Hi there! When I visualize the 'pos' sampled by the density_grid_sampler in line 70 in runner.py, I found that whatever aabb_scale is, pos ranges in [0, 1]. And when I set 'const_dt=True', pos ranges even smaller when aabb_scale is larger! It seems that there is something wrong with the aabb_scale or the density_grid_sampler. @Gword

Here are some pictures. The yellow cube is a unit cube. The white points are rays_o. The red/black points are pos. vasedeck_pos_aabbscale1 👆aabb_scale=1

vasedeck_pos_aabbscale2 👆aabb_scale=2

vasedeck_pos_aabbscale16 👆aabb_scale=16

vasedeck_pos_aabbscale1_constdt 👆aabb_scale=1, constdt=True

vasedeck_pos_aabbscale8_constdt 👆aabb_scale=8, constdt=True