JivoChat / JivoSDK-Android

The Jivo Mobile SDK allows you to embed the Jivo chat into your Android mobile applications to receive customer requests
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Any plans to migrate to Compose? #70

Open alvindizon opened 10 months ago

alvindizon commented 10 months ago

Hello JivoChat devs, do you have plans to move to Compose? The Jivo SDK makes extensive usage of data binding, which is dependent on kapt. KSP is now the favored alternative to kapt, and kapt has been on maintenance mode (see https://developer.android.com/build/migrate-to-ksp) and by extension, data binding as well, see this comment: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/173030256#comment10. We'd like to move our code-base to KSP, but using the Jivo SDK requires data binding to be enabled. Are there any plans to update the SDK so that it uses Compose for its UI elements, or at least move away from data binding? Thank you.